Last time we left the Big Brother houseguests, Judd had just re-entered the game and Elissa won the endurance HOH competition after successfully catching 10 balls. Amanda, close behind her, again comes in second place, and GinaMarie comes in third with three balls.
Elissa has never had a good relationship with Aaryn, and her personal animosity is obvious when she nominates Aaryn for eviction. McCrae is also nominated, and Elissa tells us that she is seeking revenge against all the people who evicted Helen from the house last week. During her nomination speech, Elissa tells Aaryn she has made the game “hell” for her, and it is clear that Aaryn is her target. However, a lot can change in the Big Brother house, and as time goes on, Elissa’s true target begins to shift.

Amanda, nervous for McCrae, has a weird feeling that “something isn’t right” in the Big Brother house when she sees GinaMarie acting buddy-buddy with Elissa. Amanda tells us, “Elissa just nominated her best friend and GinaMarie is complimenting her nomination speech? Something isn’t right here.” Not wasting any time, Amanda goes straight to Elissa and asks her if she is her target. Elissa, feigning surprise, tells Amanda “no” and that she “hasn’t even thought about it.”
In the DR, Elissa admits that she has seen an evil side of Amanda last week, and the more she thinks about it, the more she realizes how “awesome” it would be for Amanda to leave this week. Afterward, she goes straight to Judd, and Judd’s enthusiastic, almost giddy demeanor shows that he is down with the plan to backdoor Amanda. Elissa asks Judd to nonchalantly send Aaryn to the HOH room, which he does. Aaryn, confused as to why Elissa wants to speak with her, heads upstairs. Right away, Elissa emphatically tells Aaryn they need to work together in the game, and she wants to put the personal issues behind them. Aaryn, recognizing her life is on the line, tells Elissa that she will do whatever she wants—and that includes backdooring Amanda. Aaryn tells us she is not “playing for fourth,” she is playing to win the game—and she is finally starting to show it.

Eventually, it becomes time to pick players for the veto competition. Elissa, the HOH, and her two nominees, Aaryn and McCrae, will play in the competition. Each houseguest will select another player by random draw. Elissa, much to her chagrin, selects Amanda. McCrae picks GinaMarie. Lastly, Aaryn picks a “houseguest choice”—she is able to choose who she wants to play in the competition. Following the advice Elissa had given her earlier, she chooses Judd.
Aaryn’s decision to pick Judd sends the house dictator, Amanda, into a tailspin. She tells Aaryn that picking Judd was not a good “alliance move”—she should have picked Andy. Aaryn apologizes and makes excuses, telling Amanda that Judd would be the only one to pull her off the block. Amanda isn’t having any of it, and Aaryn is quickly thrown into a state of paranoia. She does not want to “make enemies” when her Big Brother life is on the line.
Going into the competition, there is one prevailing sentiment amongst the houseguests: Amanda cannot win. According to Aaryn, that won’t be hard, since Amanda has yet to win a competition all summer.

Before we know it, it is time for the veto competition to begin. In enters a Big Brother favorite: the ZingBot! The ZingBot “zings” and insults each of the houseguests before they begin the veto competition. The ZingBot, as always, is on point with his insults, from telling McCrae that Amanda wears the paints in the relationship, to pointing out Amanda’s “tramp stamp,” to calling Andy a “pale, white floater.” After the houseguests face an adequate amount of humiliation, the competition begins.

In this competition, the houseguests will have to throw a “Zingtonian ball.” They have to throw the ball from side to side, and each time they do, a power unit will be generated. Whoever is the first to hit 250 power units will win the Power of Veto. However, if the houseguests drop the ball, they must start from zero.
McCrae is easily the worst in the competition, and continually drops his ball. Judd starts off strong, but quickly becomes exhausted from the heat, starts gagging, and drops his ball. Before long, it is coming down to Amanda and GinaMarie—Amanda is in the lead but GM is close behind her. Eventually, Amanda is the first to hit 250 power units. She wins the Power of Veto, her first win all summer!
Elissa is immediately upset by Amanda’s win. She begins to cry, telling Judd that “everyone who tries to get Amanda out goes home.” Judd hugs her and assures her she is not going anywhere, complaining that he hates Amanda.

Meanwhile, Amanda is celebrating her win in the downstairs bedroom with McCrae. Both are unsure who the replacement nominee will be, and Andy is worried. Elissa makes a visit to the bedroom, and jokes that everyone “helped” Amanda win the competition. This comment quickly throws Amanda into a fury. She begins her “torment” of Elissa. Amanda tells her that she “has no one left in the house” and that she is nothing but her collagen extended lips, her Botox injected forehead, and her extensions. She even pounds on the door of the HOH and yells for Elissa to come out. It is clear that Elissa is not going anywhere, and she asks, “Is this for real?”
However, it is eventually time for Elissa to come out of her room and for the veto ceremony to begin. Amanda, unsurprisingly, takes McCrae off the block. Elissa nominates Andy in his place. Amanda uses a classic Brenchel line during her speech, telling Elissa that nothing comes between her and her man. She evens adds in, “Sit down, trash” after Elissa nominates Andy.
Now, Aaryn and Andy are on the block, and it is clear that anything can happen in the Big Brother house. Will the feud between Elissa and Amanda continue? Will Andy or Aaryn be evicted? And who will win the next all-important Head of Household competition? Find out during Thursday’s exciting live eviction show at 9/8c on CBS!