Gwyneth Paltrow seems to strike a nerve in people, with many not being able to relate to the Oscar winner. She’s been given less-than-mediocre media coverage in the past and she’s now responding to her haters.

The mother of two and wife of Coldplay frontman Chris Martin appears on the cover of the December issue of Red magazine and asks “who gives a sh--?”

"The older I get I realize it doesn't matter what people who don't know you think. It doesn't matter," she said. "You're wasting your energy. It's like, if your partner comes to you -- or your best friend -- and says, like, 'Listen, I want to talk about something you did that hurt me, or I think you could improve,' sit down and listen to what they have to say. But some friend of so-and-sos -- it's like, who gives a s--t?"

She went on to say women should do whatever feels right in their own particular circumstance, saying “work/life balance for a woman should be exactly what she feels is right for her.”

Frustrated with the way women are in competition with one another, she said "It makes me cross. Why can't we be supportive of other women in whatever incarnation they're going through? It's like, who's judging us? Men? Or are we judging ourselves -- looking for an external voice that confirms this belief that we are failing in some area of our life?"

Paltrow’s care-free comments come after reports about her personal life being exposed in an unflattering Vanity Fair piece written about her.

image: Red