Michelle Trachtenberg, who is known in her roles in the film Harriet the Spy, played Buffy’s little sister Dawn on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and currently plays the villainous role of Georgina Sparks on the CW’s Gossip Girls is sick and tired of being called fat.

From a recent picture taken of Trachtenberg at the Mercedes-Benz Polo Challenge on July 31, she looks svelte and also healthy, but apparently some media outlets think that Trachtenberg could lose a few extra pounds. Hollywoodlife.com caught up with her at the Mercedes-Benz Polo Challenge expressed her anger over being called fat. “Look at me,” she said while grabbing both sides of her teeny waist, “Tell me, where am I fat?”

She also expressed how people criticizing her weight could have an impact on girls who watch Gossip Girls. “It isn’t even about me, it’s about the message it sends to normal girls,” she said. “Some girl in Middle America is gonna pick up [a tabloid] and say, ‘Oh Michelle is my favorite actress and they think she’s fat, what does that say about me?’”