During the debut episode of MTV’s World of Jenks, which premiered at the conclusion of last night’s 2010 MTV VMAs, documentary filmmaker Andrew Jenks moved in with hip-hop artist Maino, partied with him, and met his son. While spending time with the rapper, Jenks initially questioned his life choices and openly critiqued his ability to serve as a role model for the youth that looks up to him in urban communities.

According to MTV.com, Jenks’ comments were not received warmly by Maino, who took exception to the criticism. They engaged in a brief scuffle in which Maino choked Jenks, but they reconciled shortly after and partied together for the remainder of the evening.

“When I was spending time with Maino and before I had really gotten to know him, really understood his entire story, I was starting to judge him unfairly, thinking that maybe he wasn’t being the best example he could be to a lot of the youth that looked up to him,” the star of World of Jenks told MTV.

“I think he got really offended by that because I didn’t know where he came from. I didn’t know the struggle of his life and I didn’t know why he acted the way that he did.”

The documentary filmmaker stated that the fight was beneficial since it helped him to recognize that he needed to learn more about Maino’s life experiences before jumping to conclusions.