After being off for three weeks Bones returns with a doozy of an episode that includes and special guest appearance by So You Think You Can Dance’s Steven ‘tWitch’ Boss.
We start with a skate boarder breaking into a construction site; he pulls some awesome moves before being thrown off his board. When he looks to see what he hit, he finds a hole in the concrete with a skull peeking out of it.
At Booth’s apartment, Booth and Hannah are being lovey-dovey when Hannah asks about Anacostia. Booth says it’s a tough, corrupt neighborhood and wants to know why Hannah is interested. Hannah thinks that there is police bribery occurring there. They are all cute and lovey again before Hannah heads to work.
At the diner with Sweets and Brennan, Booth mentions Anacostia and asks why Hannah would want to go down there. Brennan says she thinks it is because Hannah is unhappy with her career covering Capital Hill. Booth says he can make her happier and that his going to cook her a special dinner that night but Brennan tells him if he is not the cause of her unhappiness, he can’t fix it for her. Booth receives a call and they’ve got a case.
Booth and Brennan arrive at the construction site and Brennan identifies the skull as male but when she puts a video probe done in the concrete she finds that the only the front of the skull in the ground. There is an impression indicating that the back of the skull was there at one point but has disappeared. Brennan has Booth move the section of concrete to the Jeffersonian.
At the lab, intern Arastoo Vaziri is back from his tenure in cultural anthropology. He and Hodgins are examining the skeleton. Hodgins says there is nothing left in the concrete but dust and tunnels. Vaziri thinks it could be what’s left of the bones but Brennan shoots down his speculation. Vaziri says that if he can inject the concrete with barium sulfate he read what’s inside like an MRI. When the image is projected if forms the shape of an entire human skeleton that was there when the concrete was poured but had somehow been removed. Brennan says that the body was just bones when it went into the concrete because if a whole human body had been put in the concrete it would have shown up that way on the scan. The Team needs to find out what happened to bones to find out what happened to victim.
Cam speculates that because the victim was lying flat on his back he was unconscious, paralyzed or already dead because the victim would have been in different position if he were hurt or trying to get away.
Arastoo finds a ‘tattoo’ on one of the victims teeth of a figure doing a head spin dance move. Cam says that they can use that to identify the victim, which is all they have to work with so far.
Back at Booth’s place, he is making his special dinner when Hannah comes home; she looks surprised but not the good kind. She thinks he’s going to propose but he tells her he’s not. She asks him what the dinner is about because she suspects he found out about her editor not letting her pursue the Anacostia story. Booth didn’t know about that but he says he knows she will go after the story anyway because that’s just who she is. She says she likes that he knows her that well and they get a little frisky.
Back at the lab, Angela is not looking like a happy puppy, she stayed up all night working. She has a some fancy machine that is going to create a plastic skeleton using lasers and resin, the sequence is actually pretty cool. The reproduced skeleton in incredibly accurate according to Arastoo. From the plastic skeleton he can tell that the victim is a ballet dancer. Arastoo says he found nicks on the back of the skeleton that suggest he was stabbed or impaled. Cam says it could be accidental.