Chronicle, directed by Josh Trank, is a supernatural thriller which sees three ordinary high school kids obtain powers more powerful and unpredictable than they could possibly imagine. When three high school kids stumble across a bizarre crater their immediate instinct it to check it out, an action they could never have guessed would lead to such a discovery. With these powers these three ordinary kids are transformed into something extraordinary, but with it comes a responsibility, the responsibility of power. As they explore these powers they at first think it is a gift, something amazing and entertaining, but it becomes much more than that. As their powers grow and brings out their darker sides the danger mounts, not for these kids but for everyone else.
Chronicle is Josh Tranks feature film directorial debut. He has directed a few episodes of a television series called The Kill Point but as far as films go, this is his first shot. This is a massive jump for Josh, as most directors will start their career directing short films etc but for Josh he is very much thrown into the deep end. From the footage I have managed to see it would appear Josh has done extremely well. He must also be working with a huge budget judging from the CGI which had to have gone into this film each time the characters use their powers. I will be keeping an eye on the cinematography in this film along with a whole host of other aspects in order to better assess Josh, but first impressions are very promising indeed!
One of the main actors in this film is Michael B. Jordan. This is a name you probably are not too familiar with, but that is definitely set to change. Michael has just finished work on his first two Hollywood films, two massive blockbusters Red Tails and of course Chronicle. This actor has sprung as if from nowhere straight onto the big screen. His appearances before these two films were mainly on television shows such as Parenthood, Lie to Me and of course the hugely successfully HBO series The Wire. He is an actor with incredible versatility and talent, one we will be seeing a whole lot more of in the future.
I am looking forward to this film. It looks to be an action packed, supernatural fuelled fast paced ride. With a whole host of young and up and coming actors and a director making his debut, I am eager to see what they can bring to the big screen. This doesn't seem to be another superhero film, instead it would appear to be trying to answer the question, what would you do if you had superpowers, good or evil?
Chronicle is out in cinemas now.