Ireland Baldwin, the daughter of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwn, is embarking on a modeling career and wants to clear the air about her controversial past.

The model, 17, who kicked off her career earlier this month, posted a lengthy post on her Tumblr page, addressing rumors about herself and letting everyone know she is “not my parents.”

Explaining that she receives accolades of negative tweets, emails and “comments on gossip websites,” Ireland says “What I don’t fully understand is: What is the good in commenting on a photo of a 17-year-old girl and calling her fat, ugly, etc.? Is that helping you in some way? … Personally, I try to see the beauty in everyone. … I even see the beauty in the people who send me hateful replies!” People reports.

Addressing the famous voicemail that was leaked, regarding her 30 Rock star father calling her a “thoughtless little pig,” she wrote “I get hateful replies and threats regarding mistakes of my Dad’s past. This isn’t fair. I had nothing to do with anything that happened back then, so I don’t fully understand why I am being targeted. More importantly, my Dad has moved on.”

She closes out the letter saying she wants to “make a name for myself,” adding, “Like I have also mentioned on my Twitter page, I am not seeking fame by association. I do not want to be simply know as a model. I am proud to be my parent’s daughter, but I don’t want to forever be known as 'that rude thoughtless little pig' or 'Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger’s kid.'"

image: INF Daily