The most recent episodes of Doctor Who have been bad. What I mean by bad is that they are dull and uninteresting at times. The last two episodes “Hide” and “Journey into the Centre of the Tardis” were the best so far but that isn't saying much. I can’t say that I am a die-hard Doctor Who fan because I only started watching the show in 2010. This is when Matt Smith took over as the Doctor.

The show was very enjoyable mainly because of the character River Song. In my opinion, she is a female Han Solo but smarter and more caring. She has a charisma that the Doctor didn’t have. On TV, there is room for a series with a character like her. In fact, there should be a spin off featuring her and the character Liz 10. Here are my reasons:

The two are action girls that are a little older than usual

For some reason, when women age the good roles go to young 20-30 year-olds. I hate this in media because it is not how life works. Alex Kingston and Sophie Okonedo are beautiful women that are beyond their thirties but their ages don’t prevent them from captivating an audience. I think that their age can be used as a story element and be played as a satirical nod to Hollywood. In Doctor Who, these two characters are very important to the plots. In many ways, they are more useful than Amy Pond any day.

They are both interesting and captivating characters

These characters stole the scenes they were in. In fact, they were the best parts of the episodes that they were in. A woman with guns is an awesome sight. However, that is not the real reason why I enjoy these characters. They were independent. They did not need the Doctor to save them every five minutes like most companions and in most cases they saved the Doctor. As companions go, they were interesting and vital to the Doctor’s missions not a hindrance. You can make the argument that the Doctor could not achieve his goals without their help.

The time period is rich and full of stories

From the episode the “The Pandorica Opens” we get a glimpse of the 56th century from where River Song is imprisoned. This time is ripe for two women on a fantastic quest. There can be stories about bounty hunters, aliens, strange worlds, monsters and everything else. The two can be trying to find a new home for the United Kingdom in this time. This story-line could be perfect for a space opera and space epic. I think that these two could both serve as protectors of the U.K. It could be a chance to see how effective River Song can be alongside a strong woman like Liz 10.

There have been two shows that have spun off of the Doctor Who franchise. This should be the third.

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