We open in the fairy tale world, in the past. Hook plans to avenge Mila, blaming Rumplestiltskin for her death. When he realizes Baelfire is Rumplestiltskin’s son, he thinks he’ll be his path to revenge. Then, a Lost Boy comes to search the ship. Hook lies that Baelfire isn’t there. The Shadow would rip the shadow from his body if he lies, the Lost Boy says, which sounds painful. Hook then gets Baelfire to open up by sharing his own story of being abandoned by his father, and it works: Baelfire tells him his father is the Dark One, and about the dagger, the only weapon that can kill him.

Shoot to present day Storybrooke. Gold is tempted to fray the swing Henry is on and kill him, but the David, Mary-Margaret and Emma show up with bad news about Neal being shot and falling through a portal. They also report that Tamara and Greg have a trigger that would destroy all of Storybrooke. They want his help, but he refuses to help them out of a complicated feeling of guilt for having caused it all and killing Neal, who might not even be dead.

Shoot to Tamara, Greg and Hook taking a pickaxe to the talisman in the mine tunnels the dwarves use. It rises in the air and glows. Vinyl tendrils begin circling the clock tower. Regina hugs Henry, who was brought by David, Mary-Margaret and Emma just as there’s an earthquake indicating the diamond has been activated. Henry was born there, so he will live, but alone. Hook offers to help, because he wants his life more than revenge. “Shall we stop this thing now, and then resume bickering,” Hook says. If they delay it they might be able to steal the beans back from the fairy tale land. Hook then says that he knows where to get them.

Shoot to the dwarves looking through Gold’s shop for a potion that will restore Sneezy’s memory back since Gold, who’s there with Lacey, tells them that they are all about to die. But you can tell Gold’s a little touched that they made him an extra bit of potion and says, “Don’t let her die as Lacey.” Gold then pours the potion into Lacey’s cup and then into his. She drinks the potion, turns blueish, and then Gold calls her Belle. Then, Lacey kisses him. Gold then tells her that he’s sorry to wake her up to die, but he needed her, but she just hugs him.

Shoot back to the tunnels in present-day Storybrooke. Emma realizes that containing the diamond will kill Regina. Regina then says that she doesn’t want Henry to see her as the evil queen. Then, David and Hook run to the diner with the beans but Henry’s unhappy that they’re leaving Regina to die. Then, Henry mentions the wraith and Mary-Margaret realizes they could send the self-destruct through the portal too. Emma resists but Mary-Margaret says, “I know we haven’t had a lot of chances to be parents, give us this one.” Then, they run to Regina, but when Emma opens the pouch it’s empty. Hook lied to them when he pretended to be convinced.

Shoot back to the fairy tale land, in the past. Baelfire attacks Hook, because he found the drawing of his mother. Hook tells him how the Dark one killed her, but what Baelfire hears is, “She abandoned me.” Hook then says that he and Mila talked about going back when he was old enough. Baelfire then says he wants to go back to The Darlings, but Hook says he can’t leave Neverland. He then offers to change and be a real father to Baelfire but Baelfire doesn’t believe him and then the Lost Boys climb aboard and capture him.

Shoot back to present-day Storybrooke. Regina says she can’t hold on much longer. Everyone hugs and Henry gives Regina a forgiving look and a hug. Then, Emma adds her hands to the energy of the autodestruct and that does contain it. Suddenly the diamond turns black and they spring back from it and the vines retreat. But where is Henry? His backpack is on the ground.

Shoot to Greg and Tamara, who took Henry, because he’s even more significant than magic. As the David, Mary-Margaret, Emma and Regina run to find Henry, they see a green whirlpool showing a portal opened. Then, they see Hook’s ship sailing back. He gives them the bean, and though he’s too late to save the town, he gallantly offers his ship and his services. Gold then says he will figure out how to track them. He then asks Belle to stay and put a cloaking spell on the town, because Greg and Tamara weren’t acting alone. Then, she realizes he won’t find his way back and that Henry is in fact his undoing, but also his own grandson, so he must save him. “I will see you again,” Belle insists, and gives Gold a big kiss. “Baelfire would be proud,” she says.

Shoot to Neal, washed up on the fairy tale land shore, found by Mulan and Aurora.

Shoot to the ship. Gold’s spell shows that Greg and Tamara took Henry to Neverland. Then, Hook throws the bean and then we see that Baelfire isn’t the boy the Shadow was looking for. He holds out a drawing of Henry. “Peter Pan never fails,” says the wolfish looking Lost Boy.