This episode entitled “Parts Developed in an Unusual Manner” focuses on Paul and Olivier. These two characters get the central plot of this week’s episode.

When Paul goes missing, Sarah is now forced to confront the conspiracy head on. Paul learns that Sarah has kept essential information from him causing their relationship to change.

Meanwhile, Cosima grows closer to Delphine and the dangerously Dr. Leekie. This episode focuses on three plots: Paul and Olivier and their monitoring of Sarah, Helena and Sarah’s alliance and Sarah and everyone else.

The first story line focuses on Cosima. Cosima still does not trust Delphine but she likes her and will continue to forge a relationship with her. The main thing that happens with the two is the dinner they have with Dr. Leekie. He invites Cosima to work with him but she considers it with trepidations. After dinner, Delphine heads over to Cosima’s place and Cosima tries to kiss her but Delphine feels uncomfortable. This may be a hint that they may have a relationship later.

The second plot-line of the episode focuses on Art. Things are sparking up in the police precinct. The detectives are starting to figure out that Beth Childs is not the same person they once knew. The first thing they realized is that Helena and the German clone has the same DNA. Art’s partner noticed that Beth’s paper work was all wrong. So these things prompt Art to re-work the whole case. So Art and his partner decide to get the finger prints of the German clone again. They run the prints and the prints led back to Sarah Manning.

The third plot is the most interesting. Paul meets with Olivier to talk about Beth/Sarah. Olivier has found out that Sarah is Beth. He gets this info from Dr. Leekie. Sarah gets some info from Cosima on a Neolution / Neo-Evolution club. Felix goes in and gets a run-down of the club. We find out that all people who go to this club are interested in changing and evolving. A little later, Sarah and Helena meet up in a diner. Helena wants a list of other clones so that she can kill them. Later on, Sarah gives Helena Olivier’s name. While Sarah was visiting Kira, Paul calls Beth/Sarah. He tells her to run and he fights his way out of his restraints but fails. Sarah cares for him so she decides to go back to club where he is. Sarah tells Felix to call Art if she does not come back in 15 minutes.

The way this show ends is fantastic. Helena comes to the club and finds out that Sarah is held captive. She switches places with Sarah and Olivier comes into the room. Helena bends him over the table and cuts off his tail. Yes, Olivier has a tail! Felix calls Art but he does not complete the call. This episode wraps up with Sarah and Paul failing for each other and Art wanting to find Sarah Manning.

This was the one of the best episodes of the season. Orphan Black airs on BBC America.

Here’s next week’s trailer:

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