Amanda Bynes has admitted to getting plastic surgery, and she’s once again making demands to the media when it comes to posting certain pictures of her to run with articles about her.

Bynes revealed the reason she doesn’t like old pictures being posted, and it’s because she got a nose job.

“The reason I've asked all magazines and blogs to stop using old photos of me is I don't look like that anymore! I had a nose job to remove skin that was like a webbing in between my eyes," she tweeted on Sunday.

She continued, “I wasn't going to tell anyone, but I look so much prettier in my new photos that I don't want old photos used anymore! I'm so sick of magazines and blogs using old photos! When will they stop? I will never look like that again! Having surgery was the most amazing thing for my confidence!”

However, as The LA Times reports, Bynes isn’t that confident when it comes to her weight. She recently tweeted she wants to lose 36 pounds.

“About to put on makeup! I weigh 135, I've gained weight! I need to be 100 lbs!” she wrote, posting a picture of herself topless.

image: Twitter