Amanda Bynes’ behavior since her arrest Thursday night has been nothing but erratic, with ramblings on Twitter that have made some question what is going on with her. Aside from a feud with Rihanna, Bynes has said that the police were lying and even accused one of sexually assaulting her. She has also been attacking the media and says that anything her family says are also lies.

Bynes’ latest string of problems started Thursday night when she was arrested after she allegedly threw a bong out a window. During her court appearance, she claimed it was “just a vase” and, as expected, she has not stopped tweeting since she was released.

She first accused one of her arresting officers of sexually assaulting her on Friday, with a lengthy tweet. “He lied and said I threw a bong out the window when I opened the window for fresh air. Hilarious,” she wrote. “He slapped my vagina. Sexual harassment. Big deal. I then called the cops on him. He handcuffed me, which I resisted, quite unlike any of the reports stated.” She also found it “offensive” that she was taken to a mental hospital.

“The cops were creepy,” she wrote. “The cop sexually harassed me, they found no pot on me or bong outside my window. That's why the judge let me go. Don't believe any reports.”

Sources confirmed to The New York Post that the police are investigating her claims.

Bynes has continued to go after the media. She claims that she had never met the ‘friend’ Access Hollywood spoke with and later tweeted, “Believe everything I say on twitter!”

She also criticized a TMZ story that cites sources linked to her parents who believe that there are signs that she is bipolar or schizophrenic and are thinking about an involuntary conservatorship.

In her long tweet in reply, Bynes again made the claim that she was “sexually assaulted” by an officer. But then she wrote about her family, saying that she is suing them for money that she claims was taken from her. She says that they tried to manage her, but they did nothing for her career.

“I don't want to keep talking about it,” her post reads. “My lawyer is taking care of it for me. My real friends don't talk about me on twitter. Also, never trust or listen to a word any person from my family says to the press. I am suing them for money laundering/unethical manager work, I never signed a contract with them, and they had been stealing my money without me knowing, claiming they were managing me somehow when they have no right to act as if they did anything to help or enhance my career and I want $ back that I earned on my own. I'm 27 and don't like when press talks to my parents. My parents are almost 70 years old. We are no longer on speaking terms. I would rather them be homeless than live off of my money.”

image: Amanda Bynes Twitter