From Ireland, teams headed back to the US, but without clue to the final location. They would have to take a ferry to Liverpool, and then a train, to London, England, go to the Eustonn Tap, and order a pint, before they would receive a clue as to where they were going. After enjoying their pints, they found they were to fly to Washington DC. Once they arrived, they would have to find out that the next clue was located on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where Martin Luther King gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech.

At the Lincoln Memorial, teams had to make their way to 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, where a travel agent would take them to get their photo taken with President Obama—who actually lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Max and Katie arrived at 1100 first, followed by Bates and Anthony. Mona and Beth went to the actual White House. Once at 1100, Max and Katie found the truth—they weren’t really meeting the President. They were participating in getting their photo taken at a tourist attraction that made it seem that way. After the picture, teams had to make their way to the tidal basin, and knock on the rear mirror of a marked car three times to receive a briefcase containing their next clue.

Here, teams encountered a Switchback Roadblock, where they would play spy games by using various clues and phrases to exchange the briefcases and combinations to get their next clue. Max and Bates both chose to do these tasks. Bates got his briefcase first, and found the combination was the order they finished the race in New Zealand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. They finished as Mona and Beth arrived, evening the playing field between the newlyweds and the derby moms. Beth got their case next, followed by Max and Katie.

Teams then made their way to the Nationals Stadium. At the Stadium one would zip across the stadium via high wire and throw a ball down to their costumed teammate below. Once they caught the ball, they would receive their next clue, which told them to proceed to Hains Point.

At Hains Point, teams had to search through a collection to globes to find the ten featuring highlighted countries they visited. Their teammate then had to take them and place them in the correct order. Bates and Anthony managed to finish before the other teams arrived, and headed to the Pit Stop at Mount Vernon—and the million dollars.

And the winners were….Bates and Anthony!!!

They were followed in second place by Max and Katie, with Mona and Beth bringing up the finish in third.