Jenna and Matty finally did it. They reached their six month mark. Jenna isn’t even jealous of the other girls that gawk at Matty from the sideline, even when he’s shirtless.

Jenna is willing to share the glory and the awesomeness of her boyfriend (even when some random girl kisses him on the field).

It’s all about trust, but Matty is concerned about Jenna’s lack of well...concern.

Tamara and Jake are still in the cute baby talk, I can still get jealous phase but they love every moment of it.

Jenna’s mouth gets her in trouble when she gets stuck reading her own work in front of a group of people outside of school. It’s time for Jenna to ‘man up’ and open herself up to Bean There, Done That an open mic night or she’s going to fail her creative writing class.

So it’s a BroBQ with the boys while Jenna pushes everyone away from her reading. The boys on the other hand spend the night away from their phones and without the mention of their girlfriend’s name: all for a bet of $50.00.

While Jenna thinks she on her own, she is proven wrong when Val and her parents have shown up at the mic night. Let the public humiliation begin.

Jenna puts her life and humility on the line by recalling the story of how she lost her virginity in front of Sadie who calls her out for also seeing what under her skirt.

After putting herself out there, Jenna finds out that opening herself up proved that she’s finally someone, even someone that gets food with the new guy.

Could this be a potential problem in the Matty and Jenna relationship seeing as how Jenna is already on a date with another guy who is making her hot and bothered.

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