Could the Bluths be back to stream (and scream wildly at each other)? After the 15-episode premiere of the fourth season of Arrested Development, fans rejoiced as the dysfunctional family stirred up some trouble once again.

Fans weren’t the only ones happy with the new season as CEO of Netflix, Reed Hasting, said Netflix would continue to develop the series if the stars were willing to join forces again, according to Wall Street Journal.

““‘Arrested’ is unique, because that’s really up to the talent. If the talent were willing to do more, and interested in that, I’m sure we would be willing,” he said.

The CEO even admitted to watching Arrested, saying he was two episodes in.

“I’m metering it out, so a little bit of joy every week,” he told Wall Street Journal.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Hastings has not released the ratings for the show, but he said, “It’s been huge, just as we hoped.”

Celebuzz speculated that a fifth season probably wouldn’t happen because of the mixed reviews from critics.

Would you like a fifth season?