In the ever-exciting season finale of “How I Met Your Mother” titled, “Something New”, there was a plethora of new information learned heading into the final season. What we see in this episode was three strong storylines that could potentially change the course for all we have learned thus far.
The first storyline features Robin and Barney. As they are out celebrating one of their last nights before being husband and wife a week before the wedding, they run into their “arch enemies”, a rather annoying couple, played by Casey Wilson and Keegan-Michael Key, who Barney and Robin decide to try and break up. After many failed attempts, Robin slips her engagement ring into a wine glass and passes it to the table that the annoying couple were sitting at, leading them to have a big fight and look like that they were breaking up. As they left the restaurant, they are sitting on a bench and subsequently run into the couple, which wanted to thank them for showing them that they should get married.
Elsewhere, with Marshall visiting his mom in Minnesota before Lily and him move out to Rome for a year, Lily goes with Ted to visit the house he has been restoring for the past three years. Ted shows her that it is completed, which gets Lily excited, until Ted breaks the news that he is in fact selling the house because he is moving to Chicago. He informs Lily that he doesn’t believe the woman of his dreams is not in New York, although we learn that he really means that Robin is his true love who is marrying Barney. He talks to Lily about the scene from last week’s episode where he was helping Robin find her locket, her “something old”, only to find out that it has been in his apartment all this time. So with all of this, Ted is moving to Chicago the day after the wedding once he gives the locket to Robin.
Finally, we have Marshall visiting his mother and brothers in Minnesota. In this storyline, we have Lily back in New York believing his mom is trying to convince him to not move to Rome, but Marshall promises her that he will not sway and they in fact, will move to Rome. That is, until Marshall gets a phone call from the head of the New York Judiciary Board, informing him that he was being offered a judgeship.
In the last scene of the rather interesting season eight, a lot happens. It is 56 hours before the wedding. Robin and Barney are heading to the site of the wedding. Marshall’s brother is dropping him off at the airport when he asks him when he is going to tell Lily the news, calling him “Your Honor”. Lily and Ted arrive at the wedding as well, as Ted tells her that he is having to go to the train station the night of the wedding to catch a train in Farhampton. The final images show a young woman, carrying a bass guitar and a yellow umbrella towards the counter of the train station. The camera pans up and we finally see “The Mother” ordering a ticket to Farhampton. And, as we turn the lights out on another complex season of “How I Met Your Mother”, we are faced with more questions for next season, but the loyal fans finally do get to meet the mother. We will just have to wait to see the moment when Ted meets her so we can hear the words, “And that kids, is how I met Your Mother”.