It’s getting ugly between former porn star Jenna Jameson and UFC fighter Tito Ortiz. The two share 4 year old twins, and Ortiz currently has sole custody of them.

Jameson took to Twitter on Thursday and unleashed her fury, going on a complete rampage about Ortiz and alleging he is physically abusive, has faked drug tests and even tweeted pictures of his alleged drugs.

She first started the rant by posting:

She continued, saying she has “proof” and threatening she will “start posting pics.” Jameson then posted a series of pictures of syringes and prescription drug bottles.

“Soon the story of how he almost killed me in February will be public,” she continued.

Ortiz is denying all of her allegations, telling TMZ, "The unfortunate allegations being made against me are simply not true. I would never do anything to jeopardize my family. Being a great father and protecting the well-being of my children remains my top priority."

"I thank my family, friends, and fans for their kind words of support at this time. For my children's sake, I appreciate you respecting our privacy,” he added.

Jameson has responded, saying "Seems someone is bullshitting his way through life...." and "I laugh at the fake ass drama he is creating. I watched his crazy drug use and have proof."

image: Twitter