Kanye West hit another snag in the lengthy and theatrical debut of his latest single, “New Slaves,” after he was barred from projecting the video on the walls of the Alamo Mission.

Earlier this month, West announced on Twitter that he would be projecting the video for “New Slaves” on a total of 66 buildings “across the globe.”

This debut journey hasn’t exactly been smooth. Just yesterday we reported that West was denied access to three separate buildings in Houston, Texas despite a decent turnout of curious fans.

Nevertheless, West dusted off and moved on to the next city, San Antonio, where he intended to project on the walls of the Alamo Mission which is the ruined site where in 1836, approximately 200 Texans and 400 Mexican soldiers were killed in a bitter battle during the Texas Revolution.

According to Rolling Stone, fans and protesters alike showed up to the scheduled screening, but San Antonio police quickly shut down the production since West did not have a permit to be on the historical premises.

Public opinion about the unsuccessful Alamo projection was mixed.

A spokesperson for the Texas General Land Office explained, “We were never asked, and we were never told what was going to happen. It’s sad that people have such little respect for the Alamo.”

One protester was equally unamused, saying, “It’s very disrespectful to the people who died here.”

A disappointed fan, on the other hand, didn’t see a problem with West’s unique displays.

“It’s just an image that’s going to power off and then it’s gone,” he said.

Image: Rolling Stone