Season 6, Episode 6

This is the first episode with SCDP and CGC working together after their merger. All the Cutler people are moving in to SCDP's offices.

Don is heading down the elevator and he catches a fight between Sylvia, the neighbor he's is sleeping with, and her husband Arnold. It sounds pretty bad with nothing but yelling. She says she wants him to leave. Don is in the elevator listening to all of it.

At the office, it looks a lot more crowded with all the new staff from CGC. During the episode, everyone is aware that there's cuts to the staff coming.

The two firms bosses' are having a meeting and there is no more seats in the conference room anymore. Pete arrives late and seems pretty upset about it. Bertram Cooper is talking about how excited everyone is to have the two ad firms together.

Don and Ted argue about a meeting with the creative staff. Shortly after Don walks into Ted's new office right across from his with a bottle of scotch or whiskey, and starts pouring him some. They start talking about ad ideas for margarine. Soon, Ted is very drunk and Don looks the same as ever.

Ted goes back to the creative room where he was running the meeting and says some drunken gibberish and falls asleep in front of everybody.

Sylvia calls Don at his office, and tells him that she needs him. Don sets up a hotel room for the two and they have several meetings there during work hours. Don hearing that fight had Don behaving very differently towards her. He starts ordering her around and treating her like a servant, telling her to get undressed and getting her a dress he wants her to wear. She seems a bit puzzled.

Peggy is waiting in Don's office when he gets back, she tells Don she's upset with how he got Ted all drunk.

There was a meeting scheduled with one of the firm's airline clients upstate. Don, Pete and Ted were supposed to go, with Ted offering to fly over since he's also a pilot.

All episode long Pete is dealing with his mother, who has ended up staying at his apartment. She clearly has dementia or Alzheimer's and she needs constant babysitting. Pete tried to get rid of her, and now he's upset he has to deal with her. Pete has to go home for an emergency right about the time the Mohawk Airlines meeting is set to happen.

Don and Ted didn't want to wait for Pete, so they took off in Ted's tiny airplane to see the client. Pete is really upset afterward, and seems to take the merger as a threat to his job.

Don keeps instructing Sylvia to stay in bed and wait for him, even while he's away on business. At their third meeting at the hotel room, she says she is starting to feel ashamed about the affair, and it needs to end. She says she feels bad about Megan and wants to go back to her husband. It seems like Don did this on purpose.

So now Bobby Kennedy got shot and killed, and everyone is taking in the news towards the end. Megan is watching the TV crying in bed with Don as we fade out.