Phil surprises the family with a brand new RV. He was given a great deal on it because he sold a home to a RV dealer. He is so excited to show the family and then tells them they should test it out. Suggesting they take a summer road trip to Yellowstone national park. Claire thinks it’s a bad idea but refuses to rain on Phil’s parade. So she decides to have him learn the lesson on his own. Claire keeps waiting for the kids to begin the mayhem but they don’t. They are all very nice to each other. She’s confused and thinks maybe the problem is her. Then it finally happens. A bee enters the RV and the kids go crazy. They start fighting with each other. Phil tries to calm them down and Claire just relaxes and enjoys the noise. Phil stops the RV because he can’t take it anymore. Claire tells him she knew this would happen. Phil calls her out on it and he leaves the RV. The kids feel bad and start sharing things. Luke reveals he’s failing algebra and will have to go to summer school. Alex tells them she had been talking to two boys and then they dumped her. Haley admits she tried out to be a Laker cheerleader and failed horribly at the try outs. Claire is overwhelmed by all this information. She then realizes the tight space forces everyone to share about their life. So maybe Phil’s idea isn’t so bad. Meanwhile Phil is outside taking a breather and meets fellow fathers who also need some fresh air. He then returns to the RV and Claire thanks him and the kids agree to take the road trip this summer.

Cam and Mitch are excited because Lily has been in gymnastics for some time now. Cam is so proud and is confident Lily will make the advanced team. He makes her a bun fit to perform. The moms notice and ask Cam to fix their daughter’s bun too. Mitch realizes Lily is good and has a chance to be a star. He starts getting competitive and roots for the other girls to fall and cheers when they do. Cam combs one of the girls hair, she also happens to be the one to beat. She comes back and her bun is loose. The mother claims sabotage and Cam is shocked she would do so. Lily ends up being number one and advances to the next level while Cam and Mitch are banned.

Manny has a poetry reading and realizes he left his paper inside his backpack. He is also trying to buy time because he doesn’t want Gloria to show up. Gloria starts worrying because he thinks Manny is not a normal teenager. He is too good she says. He thinks he left it at the Dunphy’s, so Gloria, Jay, and Manny head over. The Dunphy’s are not home because they went on that min road trip so Gloria breaks in. They go in the house, Manny is frantic looking for his backpack. While Gloria and Jay snoop around. Manny realizes his backpack is not there, he then remembers Cam dropped them off. He probably left his backpack in Cam’s car. They all head over to Cam’s house. They are not there so Gloria breaks in again. Manny searches, Gloria snoops. Jay then realizes the guys had a party. Not just any party, a charades party. Gloria and Jay are always invited. They wonder why they weren’t this time. So they try to figure it and blame each other for it. Saying they are old and not fun and they are horrible at charades. Manny then realizes they were invited , Cam gave Manny the invite but forgot to give it to his mom. Jay and Gloria agree to stay behind and practice on their charades instead of going to Manny’s poetry reading. As they try to leave Gloria finds the invite. She realizes she had already looked in that area and had not seen it. Manny must have forgotten to give it to them. She then calls Manny sneaky and a liar. She is beyond relieved he is a little bad, and is a normal teenager.

Photo Courtesy of ABC