Nora was captured last episode and presented before Monroe. This episode we witnessed her torture and eventual breaking. She was drugged and tortured so long and so badly that she told Monroe about The Tower and Rachel's plan. Sanborn who was overseeing the torture and administering the drug told Monore. Monroe then called Randall into his office and confronted him about The Tower. Randall denied knowing, until Monroe explained Sanborn told him and was held at gunpoint. Randall explained that The Tower was a DOD site in Colorado, which contained technology even the President of the United States didn't know existed. Randal then begged for his life, expelling that he was the only one who could grant Monroe access to The Tower. So Monore, Randall, and troops all fly out via chopper to the site and set up camp.

Rachel and Aaron reached Colorado only to find Monroe set up camp at the installation. As Monroe was setting up camp Sanborn escaped with Nora to the Rebel base in Atlanta. Miles rushed off to see her, and Nora in a faint breath explained she told Monroe about everything. Miles interrogates Sanborn and it seemed that he had a change of heart. Sanborn explained that Rachel was in danger and Miles told him they were going to the site with his directions. Neville, Hudson, Charlie, Jason, Miles, Sanborn and Ramsey all get into a chopper powered by a pendant Sanborn stole. While they were on route to the site they needed to stop for fuel. They all touched down at an abandoned airbase. One by one team embers are being killed. Ramsey and the pilot were killed, their throats slit with an "X." At first the remaining team member thought it was a local tribe, but Miles knew this wasn't the case. He knew because Ramsey with his last bit of strength told Miles it was locals. Miles realized it was one of his team. He took everyones weapons and the group exchanged accusations. Jason was fiddling in his pocket and found a bloody knife, and was accused. He ran off and was chased by Miles. Miles while looking for him entered a hanger. When he entered Sanborn came in behind him and explained that knife had an Annapolis engraving. Sanborn told Miles it could not have been Jason but someone who had recently been to Maryland. As he was speaking Hudson shot him dead. Miles and Hudson fight until Jason arrived and shot Hudson dead, saving Miles' life. Everyone got into the chopper to complete the mission, but no one seemed too happy with one another, especially Jason. Jason was disappointed that Charlie didn't believe his innocence.

Meanwhile, Aaron and Rachel are tying to figure out how to enter The Tower. Rachel told Aaron she was going to kill Monroe in his tent, which would allow him to sneak into The Tower. Then Rachel killed a Monroe sentry and took his grenades and uniform. Then at night entered the camp incognito, strolled right into Monroe's tent and released a grenade pin and lever. The episode ended as soon as she release the lever of the grenade.