Jacqueline Simpson, a gospel singer from Brooklyn, N.Y., is suing McDonalds after allegedly swallowing a piece of glass in a chicken sandwich that she claims has ruined her vocal chords.

Simpson, 52, told the New York Post that she swallowed the glass in May 2010 at a McDonald’s near Broadway. She claims that the shard was “bigger than a penny.”

Simpson, who works as a clerk at the Attorney General’s office, said to the New York Post: “Now when I sing, I have a hoarse, rattly voice. I still sing alto, but I can’t sing soprano like I used to. I have to make a lot of calls for work, and I have to tell people that I’m not a man. Before, that never happened.”

McDonald’s is no stranger to lawsuits. In March, Anishi Spencer after her two sons, ages 3 and 2, found a used condom on the floor of a McDonalds PlayPlace in Chicago. She claimed that one of her sons later coughed up a piece of the condom. In early 2012, a prostitute in Nevada claimed that her husband forced her into the sex trade because the pay at her job at McDonalds was so bad. There have also been other claims, including one by Katherine Ashowo of Oklahoma, of pieces of plastic or glass baked into McDonald’s cookies and other foods.

Paul Goodman, who owns a number of McDonald’s around Manhattan, told the Huffington Post, “I take these matters very seriously. Providing safe food and beverages is a top priority at my restaurant. Upon learning about this claim, I took immediate action to gather the facts and began an investigation into the matter.”