The premier of Inside Amy Schumer starring, surprise surprise, Amy Schumer got three million viewers during its premiere episode.

I am super excited about this next one. John Oliver will be guest hosting the Daily Show starting Jun 10. He will be hosting for eight weeks. Stewart is not leaving the show. He is going on hiatus in order to direct a film, Rosewater. Oliver has said about his upcoming time as host, “Don’t worry, it’s still going to be everything that you love about ‘The Daily Show,’ just without the thing that you love the most about it.”

Comedy Central has added a few new big names for #Comedy fest. These new additions include Any Daly, South Park, Workaholics, and Key & Peele. If you are interested, do not forget to check out the event’s webpage.

David Sedaris recently released a book, Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls.

For Star Wars fans, two new books came out recently featuring Darth Vader as a father. Star Wars: Vader’s Little Princess and Start Wars: Darth Vader and Son show, in a children’s book style, Vader happily playing and taking care of his young children. I have read both of these and they are extremely funny and adorable!

For anyone who does not regularly watch the Daily Show, Jon Stewart has recently gained the ire of Donald Trump according to the Hollywood Reporter. They even had a fun little interaction on twitter that you can find here.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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