Vanessa Hudgens dons a hot pink wig and spandex for the 2013 Electric Run in Los Angeles. The event was held at the Home Depot Center Friday night.

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The 24-year-old Spring Breakers star shared on Twitter her excitement for the event. “Soo EXCITED to get dressed up in neon for the LA @electricrun on Friday! Who’s running/dancing w/me? #electricrun.” Hudgens wore a bright pink wig with matching spandex along with bright blue eye makeup, and a polar bear hat. The 5k run/walk benefits Smile Train according to JustJared.

Hudgens told E!news about hosting LA’s first neon run, “I just live for this crazy, fun, electric energy that comes from this environment." Hudgens described her neon outfit, "It's fun! It's my polar pink princess look.” The run/walk is synchronized with music and lights to excite and pump up the runners.

Hudgens’ next movie The Frozen Ground is set to release later this summer. It stars 50 Cent, John Cusack and Nicholas Cage, based on the true story of a 1980s serial killer in Alaska.

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