Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin gave his first TV interview since Sunday night’s epic episode, in which major characters were all suddenly killed during the ‘Red Wedding’ sequence. Martin spoke with Conan O’Brien, explaining why he likes to kill off characters that audiences and readers grow to love.

During the interview, Martin said that the sudden killings add a sense of realism in his work, reports Rolling Stone.

“I like unexpected things, and I always like the suspense to be real. . . . I want my readers and I want my viewers to be afraid when my characters are in danger,” he said. “I want them to be afraid to turn the next page because the character may not survive it.”

O’Brien asked what it was like to talk with the actors who play these characters and wil soon be unemployed because of his stories, according to The New York Daily News.

“It's one thing to kill these characters when they're just people on paper, but when you actually meet the actors who portray them and you know you're making people unemployed, it does bring up a certain amount of guilt feelings,” Martin said.

Martin also told O’Brien that he is quickly writing a new book. Later, O’Brien had him watch some of the hilarious reactions from fans as they watched the ‘Red Wedding.’

You can check out the three-part interview below: