Sonny and Carly arrived at his office and told Shawn that they didn’t want to be interrupted. Once inside his office, Carly told Sonny that it was time to kill Franco. Sonny told her that the PCPD should handle it. Carly was ready to find someone else to do it but Sonny stopped her. Then, she realized Sonny planned to take Franco out alone and didn’t want her involved. Yet, Carly insisted that given all the pain Franco put Michael through, she wouldn’t be denied letting Franco know he was dead because of her. She then asked Sonny if they we’re in this together. He agreed that they were and then formed a plan since Franco was in lockup at the PCPD. Then, they asked Shawn to join them in Sonny’s office and asked if he had a problem doing killing Franco. He replied that he didn't.

Sam, Rafe Jr., Danny, Molly and Alexis all met at the courthouse. Alexis pulled Sam away from the others to talk privately and asked her if it was true that Franco was alive. Sam then told Alexis everything that happened at The Haunted Star the previous evening including that Franco never raped Sam and that he edited the video for Jason to think he did to torment him. She also mentioned how he hired Carter to protect Michael in prison NOT rape him. Alexis was relieved that Sam wasn't raped but didn’t understand why Franco didn’t just stay dead. Then, they entered the courtroom where Silas was waiting. Sam begged Silas to let Rafe Jr. stay with her, but he wouldn’t. Alexis then told Silas that she hoped he had a good lawyer. Then, Diane Miller walked in as Silas’ lawyer and “the best.” Diane and Alexis made their statements and the judge then asked for a statement from Rafe Jr. He talked about feeling safe and at home in Port Charles with Sam and that she has made him feel like he’s part of a family. He then added that he didn’t want to have anything to do with Silas, who looked just like his biological father, who murdered his mother in front of him and then smiled. Once he was done, Diane reminded the judge that Silas' looks shouldn't be held against him and then said she would prove that Sam was an unfit mother. Alexis immediately objected but, the judge overruled her attempt to defend Sam and allowed Diane to produce a history of Sam's crimes. Diane even presented Jason’s crimes since he was Sam’s husband but since he was dead, the judge thought that was irrelevant. Sam then took the stand and shared how she has changed her life around and was no longer the con woman she used to be. Court then adjourned and the judge said he would render a decision in the morning. Then, Sam confronted Diane for trashing her. Then, as they were all leaving the courtroom, Silas noticed a rash on Danny’s arm.

Ava went to see Franco in lockup. She told him that she was surprised he was alive after reading he was shot and burned to death. Franco replied that he was very well and not going anywhere. He then asked about their daughter and promised to find her as soon as he was out of prison. Ava shot back that with all his murders and kidnappings she didn’t think he’d ever get the opportunity. He then taunted Ava to deny that she didn't know his daughter was the missing Quartermaine heiress. Franco then told Ava the story of his and Jason's birth and how the trail to find his daughter would end with her. She lied and told Franco that no Quartermaine had contacted her. He then inquired as to why she was in Port Charles and said he might have a problem with her using their daughter. Then, he reminded her that she was forgetting that Lauren (Kiki) wasn’t the only lost Quartermaine, he was entitled to some money too being Edward Quartermaine’s grandson. Ava then told him to go to hell and left when he tried to make a deal with her to get Lauren's shares. Later, Diane came to see Franco since he asked to see her but claimed she didn’t need the money bad enough to defend him. He told her that he’d give her anything she wanted as long as she gets him out of jail.

Kiki/Lauren woke Morgan up at Michael’s apartment. He liked that there was cold pizza for breakfast but Kiki/Lauren said it was hot and it was lunchtime. He then complains that Michael was probably reporting back everything they we’re doing to Carly. Kiki then snapped at Morgan to shut up. He was confused and asked her what had changed between when he went to sleep and when he woke up that caused her to care so much about Michael. Kiki agreed something changed and that she realized after her mother's visit that they we’re taking advantage of Michael. Morgan then reminded Kiki/Lauren that she didn't mention what her and her mom talked about on their walk. Kiki/Lauren then told Morgan that her mother told her about her father, who only died a few years earlier despite her mother saying he died years ago and that he happened to be the black sheep of a rich family that was trying to find her. Morgan thought it sounded exciting to have new family. She then said she only had an uncle and great aunt.

AJ hugged Michael at the Quartermaine's. AJ then told Michael that he wished he’d told him what happened to him in prison. Michael replied that he knew it wouldn't be an easy topic to bring it up and that he didn't want AJ's pity. AJ promised he wouldn't pity him. Michael then said that he didn’t tell him because he didn’t want AJ blaming Sonny and Carly. AJ couldn’t believe Michael was defending them since Sonny’s mob life put Michael in the situation in the first place. Yet, Michael placed the blame for Claudia's death on himself and wanted AJ to do the same so he could move on. Then, they discussed Franco being a Quartermaine.

Monica thought Luke did something to Tracy when she saw her at the hospital in a wheelchair. Tracy started to explain but Monica’s mind was on Franco being alive. Tracy was shocked. Monica then said she was sorry that she didn't go to Franco's party because AJ found out that Michael was raped in prison. She then told Tracy that she blamed herself for not raising Michael. Tracy replied that she wouldn’t allow her to punish herself and hugged Monica as she broke down in tears wondering how Michael would get through it. Tracy assured Monica that Michael was a “strong kid” though she told Monica not to tell him she said that and they would help him with whatever he needed in order to heal. Tracy then realized Franco is a Quartermaine and had the power to destroy ELQ.

At the courthouse, Sam saw Silas checking on Danny. Silas saw a rash on Danny’s arm and told Sam something was wrong with him. They get confrontational and Sam thought Silas was trying to scare her. He told her to take Danny right to the hospital. She said she had planned to next week for his annual checkup but Silas insisted she go now. She brushed him off but once alone, she made headed to GH.

Rafe Jr. and Molly arrived at Sam's. Rafe Jr. told Molly that he thought the judge was going to send him to live with Silas. Molly thought there was a chance the judge could decide in Sam's favor since Alexis was a great lawyer. He then said he hoped to not leave her hanging on prom night. Rafe Jr. then suggested some activities for them to do after prom but Molly shot them all down. He wondered if it was because he may be gone by then or if it because she wanted to go with TJ. She insisted to Rafe Jr. that she wanted to go with as friends but he reminded her that she invited him to spite TJ. Rafe Jr. then wanted Molly to go and makeup with TJ. Later, Silas arrived to check on Danny. He told Molly and Rafe Jr. that he hoped Sam took his advice when he found that Sam and Danny weren’t there. Molly got nosey when she probed further about why Silas was concerned, which only increases Silas' impoliteness. Silas then told Rafe Jr. to understand that he'll probably be going home with him. Once Silas left, Rafe Jr. told Molly that it might be his last night in Port Charles and it was her last chance to patch things up with TJ. When Molly left to go to Kelly’s to find TJ, Rafe ripped up the prom tickets.

At Kelly's, Felix had lunch with his sister, Taylor. He wasn’t too happy that was stuck with her for the summer. She asked him where all the hot guys were and checked out TJ at the counter. Meanwhile, TJ was thinking about his last encounter with Molly and Rafe Jr. When TJ brought Felix the bill, Felix inquired if he and Molly had patched things up. TJ told Felix that they hadn’t. Taylor then thought Felix was being rude not introducing her to TJ. He begrudgingly introduced TJ to her and left. Taylor ordered more food and TJ opened up to her about Rafe Jr. and Molly. Taylor waited until after TJ listed all the things he had planned for prom and now he didn’t have a date. Then, Molly found TJ alone and said she still wanted to go to prom with him, but then Taylor joined them and said, "Too late." TJ then introduced Taylor as his date for the prom.

At the hospital, Patrick called Sabrina to check on how she was doing with Britt. She told him that she could handle whatever Britt dished out and Patrick promised to make it up to her. Once he was off the phone, he was confronted by Maxie, who was angry that allowed Britt to move in with him and Emma. Patrick then the change in Britt's living arrangements and how she was living with Sabrina. Maxie couldn’t believe that Patrick was letting Sabrina “take one for the team” and reminded Patrick how lucky he was. She then added that she was happy that he had found someone good enough and thought Robin would be approve of Sabrina. Patrick thanked her and said he thought Robin would also be proud of Maxie for having Dante and Lulu's baby. Later, Sam came in, told him what Silas said and asked Patrick to check out Danny. After the tests, Sam comforted Danny since the tests wouldn’t be back until the morning and Patrick said it was okay for them to leave. Then, Silas showed up and told Sam not to tell Danny he was okay because he wasn’t. He then asked what the doctor told her and she replied that they didn't tell her anything. Silas then blurted out that Danny has cancer and walked away.

Later on, Olivia met with Dante. Dante told her that everything was alright. Then, Lulu joined them and Olivia was happy that Lulu recognizes her. Then, when Lulu repeated the ingredients to one of Olivia's recipes, Olivia was overjoyed to see that Lulu had regained her memory and they hugged. Maxie found them celebrating and wondered what the good news was. Lulu then recounted everything she remembered about working with Maxie and the last pair of shoes Maxie borrowed. Maxie was also ecstatic that she had her best friend back and they too embraced. Lulu then started to describe how she got her memory back at The Haunted Star but stopped when she remembered that Franco was the one who rented The Haunted Star for the party. Maxie confirmed Lulu was correct. Dante then double-checked that Franco was in custody. Then, they all said they’d be happy to never hear his name again.

Britt rang a bell and requested another pillow at Sabrina's apartment. Sabrina told Patrick on the phone that she could handle Britt. He promised to make it up to her and hung up. Britt continued to ring the bell every few minutes with complaints about the scratchy pillow and bad tasting water. Britt taunted her about the water having lead and other unhealthy things, which could hurt her baby and how would Sabrina explain that to Patrick? Then, keys turned in the door and Felix announced himself by saying, "Honey, I'm home." In unison Britt and Felix asked, "What the hell is she/he doing here?" Felix became incensed wondering what motivated Sabrina to let Britt move in. Sabrina replied that he motivated her to do so and was certain she could get proof Britt was faking her condition. Felix decided he'd help Sabrina get the goods on Britt and confessed that he wasn’t mad at her for inviting a guest to live with them without permission since he did the same thing. Britt heard another person was moving in. Later, Patrick arrived and told Britt that Sabrina would be too busy to get her bottled water tomorrow since he was taking her out.

Carly and Sonny waited for word about Franco getting bail at Sonny’s office. Then, a man named Lazaro arrived and Sonny told him that they had something to discuss. We didn’t see what they discussed but later, they shook hands. After Lazaro left, Carly commented to Sonny how she had forgotten how good he was at this. He then gave her one last chance to call off the hit on Franco. She didn’t want to call it off.

Franco met Diane in the courtroom. She told him that she was doubtful that the judge will grant him bail. Diane then added that she considered him to be a monster, who brought nothing but pain on the people that she loved, which included Jason. He replied by asking why she took his case if she felt that way and she gave him two reasons… money and publicity. Then, the court was called to session and the DA, who turned out to be Lazaro, arrived a tad late. The judge then went over the lengthy charges against Franco and he plead not guilty to them all. Diane then made her case for bail stating that Franco chose to return to Port Charles knowing the charges against him and that he was presumed dead up until then so he could have perpetrated more crimes but chose to come back to town to atone for his sins, yet she still asked for bail. Lazaro had no problem with granting Franco bail and the judge set Franco’s bail at $100,000. Diane was surprised it was so easy for him to get bail, Franco thought it was too easy.

Felix and Sabrina woke up on their sofa bed because they were squeezed out of their own rooms by Taylor and Britt. Britt then rolled in on her wheelchair, ringing her bell, followed quickly by Taylor. They told Felix and Sabrina that they were both ready for breakfast and then Taylor asked Felix for money to buy a prom dress. Felix and Sabrina tried to warn her to stay away from TJ but Britt encouraged her to pursue him. Taylor liked Brit’s attitude and wheeled her off while and Sabrina asked Felix why he was doing Taylor’s bidding. He brushed off Sabrina’s inquiry but when he gave Taylor lots of money to buy her prom dress Sabrina was sure Taylor was blackmailing him.

Patrick left Sabrina a voicemail from the hospital saying how excited he was about their date later that night. Then, Silas appeared, introduced himself and asked Patrick about Danny. Patrick gave him a hard time about Stephen’s murderous escapades, but Silas replied that he refused to atone for his brother’s sins just because they looked alike. Then, Patrick realized that Silas was the one who told Sam that Danny had cancer and then he threatened to throw him out. In the lab, Brad rudely told Sam when she called about Danny’s test results that the results “would be ready when they’re ready.” After Brad rudely hung up on Sam, Ellie yelled at him about his insensitive bedside manner but he didn’t seem to care and left for lunch despite Ellie pointing out the loads of work that still needed to be done.

Molly, Alexis and Spinelli arrived for Danny’s birthday party at the penthouse. They were all ready to celebrate but Sam was very quiet. Spinelli encouraged Danny to make a wish, but Sam made it instead. When Molly asked her what the wish was, Sam gave Danny to Alexis then ran upstairs crying. Molly wondered what could be wrong and Spinelli let it slip that Franco had turned out to be alive. Rafe Jr. wondered who Franco was and Molly told him he was a groundbreaking artist and after researching him, she found there was no real proof he was a serial killer, just that murders were committed to copy his art. Rafe Jr. then asked Molly what happened with TJ and she told him that TJ was going to prom with someone else. She added that it was her own fault for trying to teach TJ a lesson by asking Rafe Jr. to go to the prom in front of him. Upstairs, Sam told Alexis that Silas saw a rash on Danny’s and that he told her that he thought Danny had cancer. She then told Alexis that she took Danny to the hospital and was waiting on blood work but Alexis insisted they leave together to find out the results.

Outside Kelly’s, Spinelli called Ellie to see if she could meet him but she told him that she was swamped at the lab. She then added that she still couldn’t figure out why Brad got the promotion over her when he’s incompetent and she’s much more qualified. Spinelli spotted Brad inside Kelly’s and promised Ellie that he would call her back. He then sat with Brad and asked how much of his soul he sold to get the promotion but Brad insisted that he got it on his own merit. “Maybe Ellie’s accident counted against her?” Brad shot back at Spinelli, who spilled a drink on Brad and looked at his phone when he left to clean up. Spinelli answered Brad’s phone when Britt called. She told him that she needed to see him right away because Sabrina and Felix were watching her like hawks. She then added that she got him the promotion and now he needed to help her. When Spinelli hung up after pretending to be Brad, he didn’t know what to do next.

At Kelly’s, Shawn told TJ that he was sorry to hear that Molly was going to prom with Rafe Jr. TJ then told Shawn that Molly came to him to tell him she still wanted to go with him, but he already found another, Felix’s sister, Taylor. Then, Shawn warned him that if he took Taylor to the prom it could be the end of him and Molly for good. Later, Taylor arrived excited about the prom, talking about the dress she had her eye on and TJ didn’t break it off.

Back at the hospital lab, Patrick got Danny’s test results from Ellie. He asked her if they were accurate and she said she ran them twice to be sure. When Sam and Alexis arrived, Patrick asked to speak with them privately. Later, Ellie found Britt’s chart in Brad’s drawer.

Shawn joined Sonny and Carly at Sonny’s office. Sonny asked him if he was “ready.” Shawn replied that he would “let them know when it was done.”

Silas entered the courtroom as Franco left. They recognized each other from their quick meeting on the docs. After Franco left, Diane told Silas to keep out of Franco’s “orbit.” Silas was more concerned with asking Diane when he could take Rafe Jr. back to Manhattan. Outside the courtroom, Shawn pulled a gun on Franco as he was examining his reacquired personal possessions.

At the Metro Court bar, Luke got a call from Tracy wondering where he was and what he was doing. He lied to her and said he was getting dressed and had just finished his chores. She promised to keep after him about his drinking and made him promise to call her when he got the test results back. Luke then hung up and got back to his drink as Ava asked to join him. They shared drinks together and Ava told him that she was letting her daughter handle things with the Quartermaines. Luke saw through Ava’s lie and guessed that Lauren/Kiki realized that Ava was using her as a cash cow. Ava wanted to prove Luke wrong so she called Lauren/Kiki. Luke laughed when Lauren/Kiki hung up on Ava. Ava then told Luke that she was considering doing business with AJ instead of Tracy. Luke then warned Ava that AJ was a “chronic screw up.” Ava thanked Luke for his advice then left. Later, Luke got a call from GH to come in for his test results. After he hung up, he recalled Tracy’s request that he call her when his test results were in, Instead of doing so, he ordered another drink.

Shawn followed Franco around the courthouse and was ready to take him out but stopped when Olivia and Connie saw Franco and went over to talk to him, surprised he was still alive. Overhearing them, Shawn whispered, "Not for long." He then overheard Franco promise Olivia that no harm would come to Dante or Lulu. Franco then recognizes Connie as Kate Howard and thanked her for sponsoring his show. Then, he wondered what was so familiar about her and why she didn’t like him. She then corrected him that she now went by Connie Falconeri and was Sonny's ex. Shawn watched Olivia and Connie walk away from Franco. Olivia and Connie arrived in the courtroom when Connie got the call from Diane that her case (killing Cole and Hope) was tossed. She was elated and couldn’t wait to tell Sonny she was free but then was sad that was her first thought. Olivia seeing her cousin’s sadness then reminded Connie that it was her birthday and invited her out instead.

At the Quartermaine's, Monica interrupted a somber AJ and knew he was still thinking about Michael’s rape. Then, Tracy came in the living room and approached AJ. He told her that he wasn’t in the mood to talk about relish. She agreed and told him that Monica had told her about what happened to Michael in prison. AJ was mad at Monica for telling Tracy and told Tracy he was ready for her to chastise him for staying hidden when his son needed him the most, but instead Tracy told AJ how sorry she was and said if he needed anything to just ask her, He thanked her and remembered they we’re all family. AJ then brought up Franco's ELQ shares as Monica and Tracy disagreed that he owed anything. Then, Franco appeared on the patio holding up a peace sign. He then came in and checked out all the family photos on the mantle, including Alan's. From the patio, Shawn was lurking and tried to get a clear shot at Franco but he moved around too much and Monica and AJ also got in the way. Monica asked Franco to leave but said if he left, he’d take his shares with him. He then further annoyed and taunted Monica by calling her his “stepmommy.” Outside, Shawn saw he didn’t have a clear shot at Franco and left. Franco then called “the family meeting” to order saying that everything was going to change for AJ and Tracy. Then, Ava appeared as Franco inferred that he was the smartest Quartermaine grandchild.

Back at Sonny’s office, Sonny was getting irritated by Carly's impatience that Shawn hadn’t reported back yet that he’d taken Franco out. She told Sonny that she wouldn’t be happy until Shawn killed him. Morgan overheard her as he came in and wondered if they were planning a murder. Sonny reminded Morgan that he should have knocked before entering. Morgan then got rude suggesting it was because of the business Sonny is in (the mob.) Carly covered saying she was using a figure of speech. Morgan then asked that Carly back off on Lauren/Kiki because she was having family problems of her own since her mother lied about who her father was and now he was dead. He then added that he thought Carly might like her if she gave her a chance. Sonny wanted to know who Lauren/Kiki's father was. Morgan replied that he only knew he was from some rich family in town. Morgan then asked Sonny and Carly for a new credit card since he maxed out the other one gambling. They told him, “No way!” Later Shawn came to tell Sonny and Carly why he couldn't kill Franco.

At his apartment, Michael looked over a flow chart of all the Quartermaine shareholders. Lauren/Kiki wondered where Morgan was and was curious as to what Michael was doing. He told her it was related to business with his father. She joked about Sonny’s “coffee import business.” Michael corrected her that he was talking about business with his biological father. Before they could discuss her mother, Lauren/Kiki got a phone call from Ava. Lauren/Kiki told Ava that if she wanted to talk to her about the unsigned documents she could forget it and hung up. Later, Michael came out of the shower screaming that Lauren/Kiki had used up all of the hot water since she was still lounging around in a towel after her shower. Lauren/Kiki tried to brush off Michael’s complaints but when he grabbed her to stop her from walking away from him, they’re eyes locked and they were about to kiss when Morgan came in and asked, "What was going on?" Michael told Morgan about Lauren/Kiki using up all of the hot water and Lauren/Kiki invited him to go through her purse again. Michael then said that he wanted Lauren/Kiki to stay out of his face and left the room. Alone, Lauren/Kiki suggested to Morgan that they move out to avoid the constant squabbling with Michael. Morgan replied that he was broke and that his parents wouldn’t give him a new credit card. He then told Lauren/Kiki that it was time to look up her new rich relatives.

At the hospital, Patrick told Alexis and Sam that Silas had approached him regarding Danny but that he didn’t share Danny's medical records with him. Alexis and Sam couldn’t believe what Silas said about Danny having cancer was true. Patrick then clarified that there was something wrong with Danny and that he could have leukemia. He then told them the options for a more accurate diagnosis and they decide to set up a bone marrow biopsy. Alone, Alexis comforted Sam and promised that they would get through this together.

At Michael’s apartment, Michael interrupted Morgan as he told Lauren/Kiki to go loom up her new rich relatives. Before leaving to do so, she told Michael to concern himself with her problems. Once she was gone, Michael apologized to Morgan. He added that he wasn’t sorry for worrying about Morgan but was sorry for how he reacted. Morgan then accused him of wanting to hook up with his Lauren/Kiki. Rattled, Michael said both Morgan and Lauren/Kiki should move out. Morgan quickly apologized. Morgan then told Michael how much he really likes Lauren/Kiki, how he couldn’t imagine his life without her and how and they were going to get their own place though once she got money from her new super-rich family.

In Sonny's office, Shawn told Sonny and Carly about being unable to get a clean shot to take out Franco. Carly then conveyed her worries about who he could hurt next. Then, Shawn got a call from Alexis and told Sonny and Carly that Danny was sick. Carly thought Franco was behind Danny’s sudden illness but Sonny told her the hit was off until further notice. Carly agreed and left but then told herself that killing Franco the first time was the smartest thing they ever did.

Ava barged in at the Quartermaine's and she and Tracy flung insults at Franco. Franco thought Tracy and AJ should be concerned about Ava's angle and mentioned how she may not be able to keep up her end of the bargain. Tracy then asked for the signed documents and Franco demanded to see his daughter. Then, Lauren/Kiki walked in and Franco introduced himself as her father. When he called her Lauren, she informed him that she goes by Kiki. Suddenly, Ava pulled a knife on Franco and threatened his life if he didn’t stay away from Lauren/Kiki. Tracy and AJ introduced themselves to Lauren/Kiki, each trying to one up the other and soon everyone was screaming. Lauren/Kiki whistled for everyone to shut up. She then said that she didn’t want a war, just an advance on her inheritance so she could pay for an apartment for her and her boyfriend. Tracy and AJ then offered her room at the mansion instead and fell all over each other showing her around. Once alone, Franco promised Ava that he would have a relationship with Kiki whether she liked it or not. When Ava left, Carly entered.

At Sabrina and Felix’s, Britt pestered Brad on the phone about why he hadn’t shown up after she spoke to him earlier. He insisted they never spoke. She then told him that she wanted him at the apartment to help her prove she had the condition the faked test results said she had. Britt then asked if she made herself clear and Felix replied, “Yes,” from the doorway and said that he didn’t want her to stop her conspiring on his account.

Spinelli met Ellie at the Metro Court and he told her about answering a call from Britt on Brad's cell. He describes to Ellie what happened with Britt at the Nurses Ball and imagined what it would be like if someone confessed to being pregnant with his baby. Ellie was silent. She then told him about finding Britt’s file in Brad’s drawer but that she couldn’t bring herself to look at it since she still felt guilty about looking at Maxie’s file. Spinelli thought Britt’s file could prove Brad colluded with her to get the job and told Ellie that the two situations were very different.

Alexis left Sam alone at the hospital with Elizabeth to find the doctor. Elizabeth tried her best to comfort Sam and explains the bone marrow biopsy was safe and that Danny wouldn’t feel any pain. Then, Patrick joined them and assured Sam that once they got a good sample of Danny’s bone marrow they could make a more accurate diagnosis and “start fighting.” Meanwhile, at the nurse’s station Brad reviewed his messages and saw Britt’s call from earlier. He recalled Spinelli dumping water on him at Kelly’s and realized Spinelli had answered Britt’s call pretending to be him.

Later, Ellie and Spinelli arrive determined to find out what Brad was hiding. After Danny’s biopsy, when Elizabeth couldn’t find Brad and she gave Ellie Danny’s bone marrow sample and asked her to put a rush on it. Spinelli heard the sample was Danny’s and asked Elizabeth what was wrong. Elizabeth couldn’t tell him because of patient confidentiality but directs Spinelli to go see Sam and Ellie told him to forget about the file because she would deal with it. She wanted Spinelli to go to Sam. Spinelli then found Sam and comforted her.

Sabrina came home and reminded Britt she had to get ready for her date and after she would get a blood sample from her. Britt put up a fuss about Sabrina and Felix doing it and they accused her of either being a baby or having something to hide. Then, they were interrupted by a knock at the door… it was Brad, who Britt said she called to take her blood sample. Britt then told Sabrina to get ready for her date. Alone, Brad took Britt’s blood and she demanded that he not screw her or he would regret it. He replied that he already regretted it and told her that Spinelli intercepted her earlier call. She brushed it off since there was no physical proof of their collusion but then Brad told her that he kept her medical file with her real test results at the lab. Britt got frantic and then demanded that he get rid of it immediately and as he rushed off to do so Patrick arrived. Then, Sabrina emerged but before they could leave Britt grabbed Patrick’s hand to feel the baby kick. Felix then rushed Patrick and Sabrina off and encouraged them to stay out late.

Ellie went to the lab and found the file but Brad ripped it out of her hands before she could read it and warned her to stay out of his business.

Shawn met Alexis at her place and she began to cry and he comforted her. Later, he told Sonny they were still waiting for the results on Danny. Sonny didn’t think Danny’s illness had any connection to Franco.