“Cat’s Cradle,” the third episode of Pretty Little Liars didn’t have the same suspenseful and exciting momentum as the first two episodes of the season. In the episode the girls are given more clues on what Alison was doing before she was murdered. In true Pretty Little Liars style the information is minimal, frustrating and cryptic as always and the girls are left with more lingering questions.

Hanna is still questioning her mother’s involvement with Detective Wilden’s murder. Throughout the episode Hanna and her mom struggle with being honest with one another. Hanna starts to ask her mom more about her trip to New York. Caleb comes back and Hanna confides in him. Caleb reaches out to Hanna’s dad to tell him what is going on. Hanna’s dad doesn’t seem concerned or willing to help. We later find out that Hanna’s mom reached out to Hanna’s dad asking for money. He didn’t have the amount she needed, and in the end Hanna’s dad’s gun went missing. We are left with the assumption did Hanna’s mom take it?

Aria starts dating her martial arts instructor Jake. It seems like the connection between them is sizzling down. Jake needs to step up his game if he wants to keep Aria interested since she seemed more preoccupied with her mother’s love life. Aria convinces her mom to go to Austria with her boyfriend.

Emily has yet another rough episode. It seems like she is once again ‘A’s’ target. With her shoulder still bothering her she lets it slip out to her doctor that she took prescription medication that was not prescribed to her. Dr. Vargas calls Emily’s mother to express his concern. Emily’s mom confronts Emily publically at school that results in a scene in front of the student body. As a result Child Services calls Emily’s parents and her dad is on his way home.

Spencer still hasn’t told the girls that Toby gave Mona’s RV to ‘A’. Spencer and Toby break into Radley to investigate. Toby is still not convinced that his mother committed suicide. Once at Radley they realize that Toby’s mom couldn’t have jumped from the window they claimed she did. So it does seem that ‘A’ did help Toby after all?

Mona was absent from the episode, makes you wonder why? Is she hiding or scheming up a new plan? On the other hand the infamous Melissa Hastings is back. Melissa and Spencer still have tension between them Spencer starts to question her sister’s motives more and more.

The high point of the episode is finding Alison’s facemask. Hanna, Emily and Aria go on the search for the maker. The creepy maker will only give the girls information in exchange for Emily’s face since he thinks she would be perfect for ‘Medusa.’ As he molds Emily’s face he gives little to no important information. Hanna slips away and finds another face mold, which belongs to Melissa. Once again we are left with the lingering question of Melissa’s involvement with Alison’s death. At the end of the episode ‘A’ is looking at Emily’s x-rays. Poor Emily can’t seem to catch a break from ‘A’s’ wrath. Tune in next week to see what ‘A’ has in store for the girls.

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