In Teen Wolf's third episode of the third season, “Fireflies,” the werewolves and the Argent’s try to capture Boyd and Cora before they hurt someone, while Stiles discovers a connection between a series of murders.

The episode begins with a young brother and sister catching fireflies in the woods, and Scott saving them from Boyd. Scott decides it’s best he and Derek stay together to find Boyd and Cora, because the two are very strong and rabid right now.

Lydia wakes up after screaming and thrashing around in her bed from the last episode and discovers she’s out of ibuprofen, so she decides to go to the store. Lydia doesn’t end up at the store though, she opens her car door and discovers she’s at the pool. She’s scared because she sees a body in the pool. She turns it over and discovers it’s a dummy, but then she notices the blood on her hands, and sees the body of a young man. Stiles shows up, and is upset that she called him second, and the cops first. He calls Scott and tells him it looks like a werewolf attack, so they all think Cora and Boyd killed the guy.

There’s a flashback scene showing how Scott finally told Allison about her mother’s plan to kill him. He tells her he didn’t want that to be the last thing she remembered about her mother, so he didn’t plan on telling her. Then Derek walks in, holding Erica’s body.

A young couple is camping in the woods, getting ready to have sex for the first time. One of the women sees a bug, and then there are tons of bugs everywhere. She runs out of the tent and is covered in the bugs and then she and the bugs disappear, kind of like Heather and the wine bottles in the last episode. The other young woman searches for her girlfriend, but cannot find her in the woods. Scott, Derek, and Isaac try to fight Boyd and Cora, and end up losing them in the forest. The woman sees them and tells the Sheriff when he comes about the people she saw, with claws. Stiles’ dad believes she saw something strange, and doesn’t just dismiss it as being a hallucination like the other officer.

Scott tells Derek and Isaac they need someone to help them who knows how to hunt werewolves, and so they go see Chris Argent. Chris is not happy to see Scott, but finally agrees to help when Scott tricks him into going to the crime scene at the pool. They all talk about the possibility of having to kill Cora and Boyd, but Scott believes they can be saved. Chris tells all of them how to find werewolves and they use these high frequency tools to try and force the two to go to the school. The group wants to lock Boyd and Cora in the boiler room until sunrise because they believe no one would be at school this late. Peter also appears randomly and tells Derek he shouldn’t do anything, if the two kill anyone, it’s not his problem.

Meanwhile, while the guys are all talking about how to track and hunt werewolves, Allison is on her own actually tracking Boyd and Cora. She uses different techniques to get them to the school as well. She channels her inner Hawkeye and shoots flash arrows at Boyd and Cora, purposefully missing them so they’ll go into the school building. Isaac is the only one who sees her though because she disappears after the two are safely locked in the school.

Stiles follows Lydia home from the pool. She tells him she doesn’t know how she found the body, and both of them are worried because the last time something like this happened to Lydia, it was because of Peter. Melissa McCall calls Stiles and he goes to the hospital to look at the body Lydia found. He looks at all the wounds and the two decide it wasn’t a werewolf attack. She then shows him the other body that was brought in recently. Unfortunately for Stiles, it’s Heather, his friend who went missing in the last episode. He’s upset about Heather, but he starts to put the pieces together.

Meanwhile, now that Boyd and Cora are in the school, Derek and Scott drive them to the boiler room and lock the door. The two are exhausted, but are surprised everything worked out. Then Scott hears another heartbeat behind the door. It’s Ms. Blake, Scott’s English teacher. She was getting supplies from a supply room which is located in the boiler room for some strange reason. Derek tells Scott he’s going in, and he gets stabbed multiple times by Boyd and Cora until the sun comes up. Isaac and Scott go inside and take Cora and Boyd away, and Derek says he will take care of Ms. Blake. He goes in, torn and bloody, and offers her his hand, which she accepts.

Stiles asks Melissa if anyone else has come in recently. She tells him about the woman from the woods and how her girlfriend is missing, so he goes to question her. He finds out they were going to have sex for the first time that night, and decides he’s correct in assuming someone is killing virgins. The guy from the pool had on a purity ring, and Heather had told Stiles she was a virgin in the previous episode. Both of them had the same markings. They were all strangled, had the same head wounds, and their throats were slashed. He believes the young woman will be found next with the same markings, and he is correct. The Sheriff finds her tied to a tree, dead. Stiles tells Scott someone is sacrificing virgins.

Quote and Comments:

“There’s probably still some part of me that wants to shoot you.” “I get that.” (Chris and Scott when Scott points out Chris still has his gun out)

Overall it was a solid episode this week, but I missed the comedy of the last episode. I felt it was weird Derek didn’t seem extremely distraught with the possibility of killing his little sister. He thought she died in the fire, but still, to me, Scott seemed more adamant about making sure the two lived than Derek. I love how Allison’s arc is going so far.I hope Lydia is not being controlled by Peter, but is somehow coming into some kind of power and just doesn’t know how to channel it yet. I’m not exactly sure how to feel about the virgin sacrifice element, which feels very much like a fanfiction come to life. It is making me lean towards the theory that Druids are involved though, which would be awesome. I’m not upset about Heather’s death because we didn’t get to know her at all, and it was pretty obvious she wasn’t going to live long. I am hoping for a funeral or something for Erica given that her death hasn’t really been focused on yet. I can’t wait to see some interaction between Cora and Derek. I’m really hoping for some more Melissa McCall this season, and Sheriff Stilinski as well. They’re my two of my favorite TV parents.

Tune in next Monday for “Unleashed” at 10 p.m. ET on MTV.

Photo Courtesy of MTV