The werewolves and Allison face the members of the Alpha pack in various situations, while Stiles and Lydia discover more information behind the recent murders in season 3, episode 4 of Teen Wolf, “Unleashed.”

The episode opens with Dr. Deaton and Scott at the vet office taking care of a dog, Bullet, and talking to his owner, Kyle. When they leave the office, Bullet runs away from Kyle. Scott finds mistletoe in the sample from the dog, which is poisonous for the dog and Scott. Kyle goes down a dark alley looking for Bullet and thinks he hears him under a dumpster. He reaches underneath and is bitten by something, but it’s not Bullet. A creepy voice tells him to come closer and then Scott hears Bullet barking. He goes outside and Bullet comes rushing to him.

At the school, Ms. Blake moves quickly to her classroom, where Derek is already waiting for her. She asks him what he wants and he says he wanted to see if she was fine after everything that happened. They talk about The Crucible, and while she seems to be a little scared of him, she also seems interested.

In the locker room, Scott tells Stiles about Kyle’s disappearance. Stiles asks if Kyle was a virgin, so jokingly Scott tells him no because “Deaton makes me have sex with all of his clients. It’s a new policy.” Stiles doesn’t find it funny though, and is freaking out because he’s a virgin. After talking loudly about needing to have sex, Danny offers to have sex with Stiles. Stiles seems receptive, but then realizes Danny was kidding. Coach Finstock tells all the guys they have to be on cross-country to keep in shape for lacrosse, even though all of them are ridiculously fit already.

At practice, Issac senses the Alpha twins, Aiden and Ethan, and gets really angry. Isaac chases after them and they hold him down, ready to beat him up until Scott shows up to save him. The fight is put on hold when they hear a scream. They all rush to find Kyle dead, tied to a tree.

Sheriff Stilinksi comes and tells them all to go to school. Isaac and Stiles disagree over the murders. Stiles believes the murders are not being done by werewolves, while Isaac blames the Alphas. Scott is in between his two friends, trying not to take a side. Isaac doesn't care and says he's going to kill the twins.

At Derek’s place, his sister Cora is working out. She’s upset with him, and talks about how she heard about him and came rushing back to town. She thought he was dead too. The alarm goes off and the Alpha pack shows up. Ennis pushes Cora down, while Kali and Derek fight. Kali knocks Derek down and pushes a pipe straight through him. Deucalion then comes into the apartment.

Allison is woken in French class by Ms. Morrell, who appears as her dead mother for a moment, and then there’s a weird light flash and it’s Ms. Morrell again. Allison and Morrell both want to know what the other was doing at the bank, but they neither will say.

In Mr. Harris’ science class, Isaac is getting antsy and wants to fight the Alpha twins. He asks to go to the bathroom, and leaves the room. Scott then asks to go to the bathroom as well, to stop Isaac, but Harris tells him no. In the hallway, Aiden beats up Ethan and dumps him at Isaac’s feet, to make it look like he’s the one who attacked his brother. He gets lunch detention from Harris, which seems like a small punishment for attacking another student, even though he technically didn’t touch Ethan. Scott gets angry when he realizes Aiden is trying to toy with Lydia.

Outside of the office, Stiles asks Kyle’s girlfriend Ashley if Kyle was a virgin. She rightfully slaps him, but tells him no. Stiles’ father is really upset with him and tells him the FBI is now on the case. Stiles looks at Kyle’s locker and sees Boyd leaving something from their time in the junior ROTC program together on the locker. Stiles seems happy to see him and says he didn’t know he was back, and Boyd reminds him they aren’t friends so he didn’t tell him. He asks if he and Kyle were friends, and Boyd says his only friend, Erica, is dead.

Derek tells Deucalion to let Cora go, and Ennis lets her up. Deucalion tells Derek he’s interested in him for the Alpha pack. He tells Derek he wants him to kill one of his pack members. He tells them they all became part of the Alpha pack by killing all their betas. He tells Derek his betas will just cause trouble for him anyway.

Mr. Harris makes Isaac and Allison stock the janitors closet together, much to Isaac’s initial dismay. Allison asks him if he told anyone he saw her at the school. He talks about how she stabbed him and she apologizes for stabbing him. The two get locked in the closet and a pop machine is pressed in front of the door. Isaac freaks out because he doesn’t do well in tight spaces since his father used to lock him in a freezer. Isaac wolfs out and starts to attack Allison, but Scott comes in and calms Isaac down. He scratched Allison, but she says she’s alright. The three decide they have to get back at the twins.

Stiles follows Lydia talking about human sacrifice. He mentions the Alpha twins, and Lydia finally discovers Aiden is part of the Alpha pack. Stiles is panicking, trying to figure out the next pattern because he believes the deaths will come in threes. Lydia tells him to leave the murders to his dad because it seems like they’re done by a human killer.

Outside school, Allison hotwires one of the twin’s motorcycles and teaches Isaac how to drive. In English, Scott sits by the twins and starts taking parts of their bikes out of his backpack. Aiden, the more rash of the two, jumps out of his desk and rushes to find Isaac. Isaac drives the bike through the hallway and jumps over Aiden, leaving him with his bike. Ms. Blake comes out and tells him this is grounds for suspension, which is a bit weird since Isaac only got a lunch detention earlier.

Deucalion tells Derek that Alpha’s can gain their beta’s power by killing them. He touches Derek’s face and says he looks like his mother, who he knew. Deucalion has an over-the-top moment where he shouts, lightning crashes, and he calls himself the Demon Wolf. Kali pulls the pipe out of Derek, and the Alpha’s leave.

Lydia is sketching a tree in class, and Danny tells her it looks nice, but she’s in music class, not art. The students all leave because it’s been 15 minutes and the teacher never showed. Lydia looks round the room and notices a phone on the piano. She plays a recording on the phone and fast forwards to the sound of chanting.

Stiles goes to question Deaton about the murders and mentions he always knows what’s going on. Stiles says he looked up the symbols they’ve seen and also the threefold death that keeps happening and they both are connected to the druids. Deaton pulls out mistletoe and Stiles realizes Deaton already knows everything he’s saying. Deaton says the murder can’t be a druid because druid means “wise oak,” they weren’t serial killers, but intellectuals. Lydia calls and says the music teacher was taken. There is a bloody print on the piano lid.

Deaton and Stiles come to the music room to search for clues. Deaton tells them each group of sacrifices have something in common, like the virgins. Stiles finds a picture of the teacher, who was in the military, and they decide this grouping is warriors, as Kyle was in ROTC. Stiles thinks they need to find Boyd, but Lydia says she remembered someone else who had been in the military. It’s Stiles’ least favorite teacher, Mr. Harris. Harris is in his office grading papers when the chanting begins.

Isaac and Scott are walking through the halls when they see the twins. The two take off their shirts and Scott is seriously confused for a moment. They do their creepy transformation and Isaac and Scott run. Deucalion shows up and the twin disengage. He hits them with his cane and they all leave. Scott and Isaac realize they’ve now seen the leader of the Alpha pack.

Lydia, Stiles, and Deaton search Harris’ office and see he left his bag there. They notice he graded his papers with weird letters, like h. Deaton says the murderer is a druid, but one who went dark and became a “dark oak,” or in Gaelic, a darach. Harris’ papers spell out the word darach.

Derek tells Isaac he needs to leave. He says he can’t keep Isaac because he has Cora now. Isaac asks if he did something wrong and Derek throws a glass at him, so Isaac leaves and shows up at Scott’s house asking for a favor.

In the woods, Harris is tied to a tree. He knows the killer and tells them they still need his help. The killer does not listen to him though, and Harris is sacrificed.

Quotes and Comments:

“Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, okay. Hair literally grows from your cheeks. And then it will immediately disappear. And if I were to stab you right now, it would just magically heal. But you’re telling me that you’re having trouble grasping human sacrifices?” (Stiles to Scott when Scott questions if human sacrifice is what is going on)

“Why aren’t you telling us?” “Maybe because when you’ve spent every moment of the last ten years trying to push something away… Denying it… Lying about it… becomes a pretty powerful habit.” (Siles and Deaton when Stiles asks him about what is happening in Beacon Hills)

Another solid episode of Teen Wolf this week. I thought the locker room scene was fantastic, both between Stiles and Scott, and Stiles and Danny. I loved seeing Allison, Scott, and Isaac work together against the twins. Lydia, Stiles, and Deaton working together is basically the best trio ever and I’m super excited to see where that leads. I want to see what Lydia does now that she knows Aiden is an Alpha. I didn’t like the way they had Derek get rid of Isaac. It’s easy to play on his history of abuse to get him to leave and never come back, but if Derek had explained what happened, I think Isaac would have left for Scott's house anyway. I’m worried about the next trio of sacrifices because Deaton mentioned healers could be one of the groups. If it is the next group, both he and Melissa McCall are in danger.

Photo Courtesy of MTV