After the much awaited fourth season premiere of Pretty Little Liars, Twisted, a new ABC Family drama created by Adam Mitch, premiered its first episode on Tuesday. The show’s star, Avan Jogia, engaged in a live tweet session during the time the show aired answering fan’s questions.

The new mystery-thriller drama seems a bit darker than the typical ABC Family show. The show centers around Jogia’s character, Danny Desai, who recently was released from a juvenile detention center for the murder of his aunt whom he killed with a red jump rope. His two friends Lacey and Jo were there when the incident happened. Now Danny is out of juvie he tries to rekindle his friendships with his childhood best friends though there are definite complications – however, another girl in town is murdered and the blame is placed on Danny.

Fans tweeted at Jogia’s Twitter handle @ATJogia with the hashtag #Twisted in order to ask him questions. Another hashtag that started trending thanks to the premiere of Twisted was #Socio, as this was what people at school referred to Danny as. You can check out the rest of the Twitter chat with Jogia here.

In an interview with E! Online, star Denise Richards calls the drama “very edgy and sexy.” Did you catch Twisted after PLL? Will this new show be your next guilty pleasure?

Photo Courtesy of Tom Sorenson via Wiki Media Commons