While much of the world is gawking at Amanda Bynes' odd behavior, Gossip Girl actor Kevin Zeger's is coming to the former Nickelodeon stars defence telling society to give her a break.

Zeger's, who also starred in the lovable Air Bud, posted a typed note about society's obsession with Bynes on Twitter Monday. In the lengthy post titled “Food for Thought,” Zeger not only defends Bynes but brings up other stars who have delt with the battles of fame, mostable notable Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan.

“I don't think anyone cares about the wattage of Bynes star. Or Lohan. Or Spears,” he writes. “What really interests people is the collapse. The free fall from adored to scorned. From beloved, to bat s**t crazy. From dimpled starry eyed kid, to shaven headed rambling manic. And people love it. They eat it up."

“I don't claim to have suffered from nearly the amount of childhood success that Bynes,” he writes. “Nor the amount of attention.” Zeger states that he does “watching this person implode with a certain amount of familiarity."

Bynes' name has flooded the pages of entertainment news, from her alleged racist attack on Rihanna, slamming Lance Bass as an “ugly ex boy bander,” her early tweets about wanting Drake to “murder” her “vagina,” slamming her parents, being arrested for allegedly throwing a bong out of her apartment window, being kicked out of said apartment complex, wandering the streets of Buffalo among many others.

“Lets not all act shocked about what is happening to Amanda Bynes,” he concludes. “Or pretend we haven't seen this unfold before," he wrote. "Lets take ownership of our piece of the story. The wide eyed observer. Secretly hoping for carnage. Praying for it in fact. The part of us that slows down at car wrecks to perhaps see some blood. Titillated and detached."

image: Kevin Zeger Twitter