The costume designer for Sofia Coppola’s Bling Ring is opening up about filming in Paris Hilton’s home, more specifically her closet. Stacey Battat said in an interview that they used a lot of Hilton’s actual clothes for filming.

Battat, whose past films include Country Strong and Somewhere, and the pilot of HBO’s Girls, tells The Houston Chronicle all about the wardrobe in the film, which stars Emma Watson as Alexis Neiers.

She said about filming in Hilton’s closet, “The closet was mostly her stuff. What we did with most of the houses is we planted a few pieces that (the lead characters) could get at each person's house. At Paris' house, we put in Hervé Léger dresses, we brought in furs for that scene when they're in there wearing furs...”

Battat also talked about a particular pink shoe that one of the Bling Ring-ers stole from Hilton’s closet. “Louis Vuitton custom made that shoe,” she said. “Sofia's friend Fabrizio (Viti) made them; he designs all the shoes for Louis Vuitton. She just really wanted a pink shoe. Pink because it was Paris', but in the end I think we chose that style because it had a firm back and it was easier for (actor Broussard) to walk in.”

Coppola shot a feature for Elle magazine in Hilton’s closet and the hotel heiress talked about her possessions being taken from her.

“There's much more to life than all of these possessions and everything. And if you want those things, you're going to have to work yourself, just like I did,” she told Elle.

image: Elle