Chris Brown has taken to Twitter to slam the woman who claims he gave her false information and fled the scene of the accident which occurred last month.

Brown has been accused of rear-ending a Mercedes and failing to give the woman proper identification, a charge that could send him to prison if proven true.

The 24-year-old has taken to Twitter to vent in a series of tweets defending his name. “It's not a hit and run if u get out the car, exchange information (who has NO DAMAGE to either cars). This is really ridiculous,” he began. “I have a valid drivers license and I gave the woman the right info. She saw cameras and wanted to make a scene.”

Brown accuses the woman driver of being an opportunist “thinking of a payday from Chris Brown when I followed the proper procedures.”

The “Look at Me Now” singer has since changed his profile picture “after the hit and run.”

“NO damage,” he writes. “Just a dirty car.once again, I gotta clear my name.”

This isn’t the first accusation against the singer. Earlier this week Brown was accused of shoving a female club-goer, an accusation his rep has slammed calling “false and unfounded.”

Image: Chris Brown Twitter