Daniel Radcliffe’s next role might be becoming a father!

Radcliffe, 23, reveals to Time Out: London that he wants to be a young father, meaning before he hits thirty. “I like the idea of being a youngish parent so I’ve got energy to play football, even though they’ll be better than me by the time they’re four,” he says in the interview.

Though Radcliffe was rumored to be dating his Kill Your Darlings costar Erin Darke, he says he doesn’t know when or with who he’ll have children with.

Radcliffe admits that he will be a tough father and will push his children to do things - such as sports – but not the film industry.

"I will have to find a very tall wife if they're going to be good at sports," Racliffe, 5’5, jokes.

The rest of the interview discusses Radcliffe’s other interests, which includes a screenplay he He describes it as a black comedy. “You learn about their relationships through how they’re talking not what they’re saying. That’s the kind of writing I love and I aspire to,” Radcliffe says.

The full interview with future-dad-Radcliffe is now available in Time Out: London. Be sure to also check out his upcoming movie, The Cripple of Inishmaan which opens June 8.

Photo Courtesy of Wiki Media Commons via DavidDjJohnson