If you have a striking resemblance to Adolf Hitler, History Channel might have the perfect job for you. The network, which is known for airing countless documentaries on the Nazi leader and World War II, is looking for an actor who looks like the dictator for yet another new special about the war.

According to The New york Daily News, the network posted a casting call on Craigslist, looking for a person between 25 and 56 to play Hitler. History is valuing physical resemblance over acting ability, so the only qualification is that you look like Hitler and a German accent is a bonus. They are looking to cast both “old” and “young” versions of Hitler for the special. (This isn’t like The Producers though, so if you have experience, it doesn’t look like they’ll turn you away.)

The listing claims that the special will be a six-hour docudrama series, which would make it similar to NatGeo’s Killing Lincoln documentary, in which actors played Abraham Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth. The special will focus on the lives of Hitler, Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt between World War I and World War II. Stephen David Entertainment is producing.

They also need actors for Churchill (aged between 35-65) and FDR (between 30-60).

Production will take three weeks on the East Coast in September and another week in Germany in October. Depending on which role you get, you’ll be paid between $300-$500. Transportation and meals are included.

If you fit the qualifications, you can sent an email to castingwar@gmail.com with a photo and resume.

image: Craigslist