Suraj Pancholi, the boyfriend of Bollywood actress Nafisa ‘Jiah’ Khan, has been arrested on suspicion of abetting her suicide.

The 25-year-old’s death was reported last week. Officials say that she decided to hang herself shortly after hanging up on Pancholi and then throwing flowers from him out a window. Her mother reportedly found the body and Pancholi was questioned by police.

Now, the Associated Press is reporting that Pancholi has been arrested in Mumbai on Monday.

Police say that Khan wrote a letter, claiming that Pancholi cheated on her, abused her and told her to get an abortion. After police confirmed that it was written by Kahn, the Indian media published the letter in full.

According to The Mirror, Kahn’s letter was released to the media by her mother, Rabbiya. In the six page letter, Kahn writes “I don't know how to say this to you but I might as well now as I have nothing to lose. I've already lost everything. If you're reading this I might have already left or about to leave. I am broken inside.”

Later, she wrote, “I leave this place with nothing but broken dreams and empty promises. All I want now is to go to sleep and never wake up again. I am nothing. I had everything.”

She released the letter “so that everyone may know the truth behind my daughter's tragedy,” Rabbiya told the media.

Pancholi had hoped to act himself and his parents, Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab, are also actors.