Joel Madden has been kicked out of a hotel in Sydney, Australia after officials found a small amount of weed in his room.

Officials tell TMZ that a search warrant was issued for the Good Charlotte frontman’s room. A “small amount of “plant matter believed to be cannabis” was found.

The manager of Darling Hotel where Madden was staying saying, “Joel Madden was ejected from the hotel because a small amount of cannabis was found inside his hotel room."

The manager notes that there is a zero tolerance.
Madden has since taken to Twitter to post a statement explaining the situation, “Sunday while I was at work, a hotel employee found a small amount of marijuana in my hotel room. The police were called and responded. Sydney is is [sic] my adopted home and i appreciate the way the NSW police handled the situation.”

Madden, who is married to Nicole Richie, notes that despite the incident, he will not face any formal charges, They have informed me there will be no charges. I hope this didn't cause too much drama for anyone."

Image: Joel Madden Twitter