Paris Jackson, daughter of deceased pop-king Michael Jackson, was rushed to the hospital early Wednesday morning (June 4, 2013). The reasoning? Suicide attempt.

Debbie Rowe, Paris’s mother, confirmed that Paris was being kept in a Los Angeles hospital, claiming that Paris was going through a tough time, possibly due to the fact that she has had to testify on behalf of her deceased father within the past month. A source close to Paris told TMZ that Paris had attempted suicide in the past, but this attempt appeared to be more serious. Paris also had been tweeting depressing tweets on her Twitter such as “I wonder why tears are salty?” And also, “yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they're here to stay.”

The call came in around 1:30 Wednesday morning, the caller stating that Paris had slit her wrists and that there was a possible overdose, but there hasn’t been a confirmation about her injuries yet.

Reports say that Paris doing well.