Paris Jackson, the 15-year-old daughter of Michael Jackson, had signed on to make her film debut in an animated project called Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys. While the producers of the film say that it is more important for her to make a full recovery from her suicide attempt this week, they say the project is still on.
After Jackson was rushed to the hospital on Wednesday, TMZ claimed that she had been in ‘meltdown mode’ for a year and that the family had actually tried to stop her from doing a movie. An official at her school said that at this point, “Paris broke down.”
Us Weekly caught up with author/producer Dennis Christen, who penned the book Lundon’s Bridge is based on. “Paris is very important to us and we all love her deeply. Any comment about her private life will have to come from her family,” he said.
The movie is currently in pre-production and Christen is still looking forward to working with her. “Paris will do a delightful job in her role . . . She's been concentrating on developing her acting skills and is becoming a very proficient actor,” Christen said. “We wish her the very best as she works through this difficult time.”
Sources close to the production also told TMZ that they plan to do “anything it takes” to keep Paris in the film, even if it means buying expensive insurance policies. “We're prepared to pay a large amount of money for the policy. Fortunately, we have a big budget,” the source said, noting that she’s not needed for another six months.
image: Paris Jackson Tiwtter