A new report from the National Enquirer is branding Southern celebrity chef Paula Deen a racist.

The tabloid claims to have caught Deen admitting to her use of the ‘N-word’ in addition to her believe that having African American’s play slaves in a wedding.

The Enquirer reports that the details came to surface after former employee, Lisa Jackson, sued Deen for and her company for discrimination.
“While Paula and Bubba did make some pretty damaging confessions in their depositions, what they admitted to only scratches the surface of what actually goes on in their daily lives,” an insider reveals.

According to Salon.com , Deen confessed to her use of the ‘N-word,’ when asked if she uses the slang she states, “Yes of course. It’s just what they are — they’re jokes … most jokes are about Jewish people, rednecks, black folk … I can’t determine what offends another person.”

Additionally, Deen admitted to wanting African American’s to portray slaves in a wedding.

“The whole entire waiter staff was middle-aged black men, and they had on beautiful white jackets with a black bow tie,” she explained. “I mean, it was really impressive. That restaurant represented a certain era in America … after the Civil War, during the Civil War, before the Civil War … It was not only black men, it was black women … I would say they were slaves.”

Image: National Enquirer