Prince Harry has shown his bravery on the battlefield and he also apparently showed his bravery among his fellow soldiers when he defended a gay colleague from a homophobic attack.

In his memoir Out In The Army: My Life As A Gay Soldier, Lance Corporal James Wharton wrote about an incident that took place in September 2008. According to the Daily Mail, which published an excerpt of the book, Warton writes that after he was threatened by six fellow soldiers, he ran off to find his tank commander, Prince Harry.

“I told him, ‘I think I’m going to be murdered by the infantry.’ I climbed into the turret and talked Harry through exactly what had happened. He had a complete look of bewilderment on his face,” Wharton, then 21 at the time, wrote. Wharton added that he couln’t stop from crying and Harry replied, “Right I’m going to sort this s*** out once and for all.”

Harry jumped out of the tank and approached the group, telling them that they could face serious punishments for what they did. “I could see he wasn’t holding back,” Wharton wrote.

Wharton quit the Army earlier this year, but he wrote, “I will always be grateful to Harry and I will never forget what happened. Until he went over and dealt with everything I was on track for a battering.”

According to Gawker, Wharton revealed that after the incident, one of the colleagues who had bullied him asked to go to bed with him.

In 2010, Wharton recorded an “It Gets Better” video, which you can see below.

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