A handful of New Yorkers got a sneak peek surprise today at the upcoming The Amazing Spiderman 2.

On Broadway and 66th, New Yorkers stopped to watch Spiderman do his thing during filming early on June 22, 2013. We’re not sure who exactly was hiding under the mask, whether it was actor Andrew Garfield or a stunt double, but Spiderman still thrilled pedestrians as they shot the same 10-second scene over and over . . . for six hours. The film is set to be released in 2014 according to the Internet Movie Database website. The movie will include all of the actors we grew to love in the first Amazing Spiderman, such as Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker and Sally Field as Aunt May.

There have been many questions surrounding this new Spiderman movie, the main question being, “Where is Mary Jane?” Huffington Post claims that Mary Jane (played by Shailene Woodley of The Secret Life of the American Teenager) won’t appear until Spiderman 3. For now, the plot will focus on Spiderman protecting his New York streets and dealing with the return of Harry Osborn, the second coming of the Green Goblin.