After quite a cancer scare, Steve Perry, ex-Journey singer reveals to fans that he's going to be just fine. And, we "Don't Stop Believing" those words from Perry himself.
"Three weeks ago a routine mole was taken off my face and the lab report came back melanoma skin cancer," Perry wrote on his blog last week. "I've had two surgeries in two weeks to remove all the cancer cells and I've been told they think they got it all and no other treatments are required," says MyFoxNY.

He met Kellie Nash, a psychologist who had undergone a double mastectomy.
Perry wrote that he was in the editing room with a friend who was putting the finishing touches on a Lifetime breast cancer special called "Five," when he noticed Nash, who was featured in the program. Perry seemed instantly smitten by Nash. After a three-year battle and short-lived remission, the cancer had come back into her bones and lungs, says HuffingtonPost.
He explained to fans that the two were meant to be and his life changed after meeting Nash. He's trying to cope with her death, but it's difficult since he was in Love with Nash.