On June 18th, Emma Worley from Pennsylvania posted a petition on Change.org, targeting the famous Abercrombie & Fitch, asking Taylor Swift fans everywhere to rally against a new t-shirt the company had.

The t-shirt in question simply reads “# More Boyfriends Than T.S.” According to Yahoo, Worley got about 130 signatures worldwide supporting her petition to have the shirt pulled from stores. While the number of signatures isn’t anything too impressive, it was enough to catch the attention of Abercrombie & Fitch, who then pulled the shirt from stores. They officially announced it on their official Twitter.

But the craziness doesn’t stop there; apparently so many Swift fans were angered by this new shirt that Abercrombie had to put a message on their corporate phone line to let customers calling about the Taylor Swift shirt know that it has been discontinued says Z100.

Taylor Swift herself hasn’t made any comment about the shirt. It is possible that she hasn’t heard the buzz yet considering the fact that she has been busy with her Red Tour, which comes to a close this fall.