Jessica Sorensen’s latest novel The Forever of Ella and Micha is the last book of Ella and Micha’s love story.

Sorensen is a New York Times and USA Today best selling author who writes young adult and new adult fiction. Sorensen is a big music lover and says she is listening to music when she is writing. It is evident as she puts in titles of songs in her books as she tells us what the characters are listening to. It’s a clever way to give us an idea of how the character is and the mood of the moment.

The Forever of Ella and Micha is the sequel to her other book The Secret of Ella and Micha. The Forever of Ella and Micha was highly anticipated this year as it was a best seller on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Readers wanted to know how Ella and Micha’s relationship would unfold.

Ella and Micha maintain a long distance relationship. Micha is touring with his band and Ella is in school in Las Vegas. Ella still struggles with the death of her mother and it is intensified as her father is in and out of rehab. Ella starts to pull away from Micha as she falls into depression and doesn’t want to taint Micha with her problems. Micha is miles away as he chases his dream of being in the lime light. He struggles with living his dream and being away from the love of his life.

Micha and Ella have a relationship filled with passion, love and devotion but with the distance between them they are faced with a challenge of staying together. With the lack of communication Ella and Micha fall apart. Ella starts to talk to a therapist to get her life straight. Micha refuses to let Ella go and is with her every step of the way. Micha shows Ella that she could never be a burden or ruin his life. Ella fills a void in his life and brings him happiness. Both Ella and Micha both went through changes as they grew up. Through out the book we are aware of their beautiful relationship with the undeniable sexual tension and everlasting love.

The book wouldn’t have been the same without their best friends Lila and Ethan. They were both a voice of reason and support for Ella and Micha. Sorensen is writing a book about Lila and Ethan, The Temptation of Lila and Ethan, which will be released on October 22.

There were times where I thought Micha should have walk away from Ella because the poor guy couldn’t catch a break and was running in the same circle of uncertainty. They finally broke away from their cycle of self-destruction and found complete bliss together. A major plus is that the book is written in Micha and Ella’s perspective. I really enjoyed reading Micha’s thoughts and point of view.

Sorensen is a talented writer that has an edgy and raw vibe. The characters in her books are far from perfect as they all have realistic flaws and life problems. Though people might think that her writing is depressing as it covers controversial topics and life issues but it only makes her stories relatable. The Forever of Ella and Micha is a timeless novel that will warm your heart and spark your interest to read more from Sorensen.