Going into last night’s episode of America’s Got Talent, I was a bit worried about how they could possibly top the amount of talent that they showed in last week’s season premiere. Still, they somehow managed to, and San Antonio and New Orleans brought out all of their talent for another wonderful night of auditions. This week’s episode had everything, from amazing singers to sword swallowers, magicians, escape artists, and comedians. For those of you who don’t feel like watching the entire two-hour long episode, look no further. Here’s a list of the top ten acts from last night that you won’t want to miss. The only bad part about these acts is that we won’t get to see them again until Vegas Week! Is your favorite not on the list? Add it in the comments below. And be sure to check back next week for another round of auditions!

10. Paul Thomas Mitchell

I feel like he’s kind of that typical hot sensitive guy with the gorgeous voice and the guitar. Still, I’m not complaining.

9. Brad Byers

I absolutely loved the addition of the x-ray machine to the sword-swallowing act. Being able to see what was the swords were doing inside him was both extremely disturbing and really, really entertaining.

8. Jonathan Allen

I have a soft spot for the song he sang because it’s the song playing at the beginning of Blades of Glory, which is one of my favorite movies. He sung it beautifully, and I think that his back-story it’ll be interesting to see how America reacts to his sad back-story.

7. Mariachi Nuevo Stilo

I’m with Howard on this one— I’ve never been a fan of mariachi. Even the wonderful Sebastian “El Charro de Oro” from Season 7 failed to spark my interest. But these guys put a new twist on mariachi, while still maintaining their culture.

6. Alexanderia the Great

I can’t imagine this act was as exciting for the people in the room as it was for the audience, considering that they couldn’t see what was happening underwater like we could. Still, the escape was amazing, there was a real feeling of danger, and the audience and the judges loved it.

5. Megan Piphus

The fact that she can sing that well without opening her mouth… I can’t even. I also love that Mel B can’t say ventriloquist.

4. Sam Johnson

I could barely even watch his act. I have such an incredibly debilitating fear of heights, and even watching him climb that pole to the top without a ladder had me almost ready to throw up. But the man succeeded in doing a handstand on top of an eighty-foot pole, and he kept his top hat on the whole time. It was incredible. And Sam, don’t listen to Howard— keep the hat.

3. Travis Pratt

I mean, the guy proposed to his girlfriend on stage after singing like an angel and earning a yes from all four judges. His voice went higher than most female singers I’ve heard, and to see it coming out of a guy who looks like he can bench all four of the judges at once was insane.

2. Ruby and Jonas/D’Angelo and Amanda

I know these were technically two separate acts, but since D’Angelo and Ruby are actually siblings, and the acts were quite similar, I thought I’d put them together. Now, I normally have a thing about kids on this show because I feel like a lot of them get through just on how adorable they are, when really they aren’t anywhere near as talented as the adults in their field. But both of these pairs were amazing—their dances was precise, well choreographed, and amazingly performed. Also— who in the world is these kids’ dad? He/his children have been on this show for three seasons at this point, and judging from the success of his past groups, I have a feeling these kids are going to do well.

1. Collins Key

This kid was amazing. I have absolutely no idea how he got that dollar bill into that bag of popcorn. His presentation was great, he seemed comfortable on stage, he had the crowd on his side. I loved his act, and I really can’t wait to see what he brings to Vegas.

Photo Courtesy of nbcumv.com