“Who Are You, Really?” Aired: 6/16/2013

August 26, 2012 left us hanging with a sort of reincarnated Bill or “BILLITH”, rising from a red pile of Vampire-Bill goo. Personally, I’ve been waiting on the edge of my seat ever since.

So Sookie and Eric are running from Bill and all his new “powers”. As The Authority Headquarters goes up in flames, Jason, Tara, Jessica, Pam and Nora race to escape and are quickly scooped up by Eric and Sookie and off they go to seek refuge at the beach. Just as they turn the corner, Bill rises straight up in the air and disappears from the fiery mess. Jason, always a comedian refers to him as an “Evil Naked Superman”.

The Governor has declared a vampire curfew forcing them to stay indoors after sundown. He vows to close all Vampire businesses. He then secretly meets with the True Blood Company Owners and offers his family bottling warehouse and to be a silent partner. His ‘platform”; (or probably not), that if the vampires have True Blood they will stop feeding on humans.

Poor Luna only received 5 minutes of air time. After shifting into Steve Newlin’s body last season in an attempt to save her daughter Emma from the vampires clutches, she dies in Sam’s arms but not before making him promise to care for her shape shifting little girl.

Tara and Pam share another moment on the beach as Tara tries to comfort her after yet another heated conversation with Eric. Pam feels Eric left her in the dust and she still feels such a strong connection to her “maker”. When police bust into Fangtasia later in the show, Tara defends Pam once again, getting shot in the process.

But back to the beach: Jason is on a mad mission to find Warlow, the vampire who killed his parents. When Sookie defends her Vampire buddies, Jason announces she is no longer his sister and takes off on his quest. Jason ends up taking a ride from a stranger (awesome idea) and when he discovers this stranger has some connection to Warlow, the driver disappears and the vehicle loses control.

Jessica is summoned by Billith and her body suffers as she tries to resist her maker’s powerful calling. Sookie goes with her and Eric and Nora soon follow. We find Bill sitting on his porch back in his regular body, although there is a trail of bloody footprints throughout the house. He claims he is NOT Lilith and is NOT going to hurt anyone (yeah right). When an Eric/Nora/Bill fight breaks out, Sookie stakes Bill through the back. Bill, now a “super vamp”, pulls the stake out and moves on with his night. Jessica decides to come to Bill’s defense against the “Kill Bill” plot and vows to stay with him. She tells the rest of them to leave. “Daddy Bill” tucks her in, assuming his fatherly role.

And then there’s Alcide; the new Pack Master. He assumes his new role, going through the traditional motions of feeding off the recently deceased former Master. He then gets pretty “comfortable” with the perks that come along with being Pack Master. Personally, I don’t have much of a problem with Alcide’s lack of wardrobe in this episode.

We finish this week’s awesome episode with Bill being enveloped by Bloody Vampire Gods. Things I cannot wait for next week:

1) More Warlow
2) More Alcide
3) Just why was that scroll of Sookie’s glowing???

Tune in 9 pm Sunday’s on HBO.