A week removed from the “Red Wedding,” Game of Thrones wrapped up its third season this past Sunday. After the epic-ness that was this season's penultimate episode, the finale felt like a bit of a letdown, but it still offered enough to help wrap up a few of the storylines while setting up new ones at the same time. Some characters got more screen time than others, but all of the major characters that are still alive did at least get their scene to shine.

Arya has been put through the ringer so far in this show. She's witnessed her father's beheading, Yoren's death at the hands of the Gold Cloaks, Baric Dondarrion die and come back to life, and now, her mother, brother and a slew of Stark bannermen slaughtered right before she got to them. The girl just can't catch a break. Then, in the finale, after she came to after the Hound knocked her out so she wouldn't go running into the castle, the Frey men made themselves a Frankenstein monster consisting of Robb's body and his direwolf's head. So, what does Arya do next? Naturally, she kills the first Frey bannerman she sees while the Hound takes care of the other three. And the most unlikely partnership is formed.

As for the other Stark children, Sansa still remains somewhat of a background character, appearing only briefly to cry at the news of her family being slaughtered. Bran, on the other hand, has what seems like could be a major storyline upcoming in season four. On his way to the Wall with Jojen, Meera and Hodor, Bran runs into Sam Tarley and Gilly. Sam recognizes Bran after seeing the direwolf and Hodor, and strongly urges Bran not to go north of the Wall. Bran says it’s something he has to, that it's something he can do. Sam does leave Bran and his companions with shards of dragon glass, the same thing that Sam used to kill the White Walker.

Sam returns to Castle Black to warn the Night's Watch of the impending White Walker attack. Maester Aemon sends all of the castle's ravens out with the message that the White Walkers are coming to every corner of the country.

After the dust settles at the Twins, Roose Bolton and Walder Frey discuss what is to come of the war. Bolton says it should be over, now that Robb Stark is dead. Walder Frey mentions the missing iron born, meaning Theon, and Bolton reveals that it is his bastard son Ramsay that has been holding and torturing Theon the entire time.

The Iron Islands got their first screen time of season three when Balon Greyjoy received a letter from Ramsay Snow detailing what he's been doing to Theon. Balon is ready to do nothing, stating that Theon disobeyed him and now that he can't continue the Greyjoy line, Theon isn't even a man anymore. Yara doesn't like the sound of that, and also goes against her father's commands and takes a ship to the south to go rescue her brother, setting up another story arc for next season.

In King's Landing, Joffery rejoices in hearing the news that Robb Stark is dead. He starts to get ahead of himself, telling his small council that he will serve Sansa her brother's head at his wedding. Tyrion, now married to Sansa, objects, and Tywin actually agrees with his deformed son. Tyrion warns his father that the North will never forget what he just did, more or less stabbing the King of the North in his back, not nearly as honorable as a death in battle.

In Dragonstone, Davos still objects to Stannis's decision to kill Gendry. Having not been able to save his own son, Davos goes against his king's orders (there seems to be a lot of that going around), and sets Gendry free. Stannis is ready to sentence Davos to death for treason, but notices a scroll bunched up in the Onion Knight's hand. It's the scroll from Castle Black, telling the country about the White Walkers. Melisandre tells Stannis not to kill Davos, that he can be useful and helpful in the battle to the north.

After his brush with the wildlings, Jon Snow is catching his breath and getting a drink of water when Ygritte sneaks up on him. He tells her he still loves her and he knows she loves him. Jon goes to get on his horse, and despite all of her urges not to, Ygritte fires three arrows into Jon, and cries as he rides away slumped over his horse. Jon, near death, arrives at Castle Black and is tended to by Sam.

Outside of Yunkai, Daenerys waits to see if the slaves will forgo their life in chains to join her quest for freedom. The slaves of Yunkai pour out of the city by what seems like the thousands. They all embrace her, and for at least one of the central characters, there is hope.

Unfortunately, having just got to the season finale means that we have to wait almost a year for new episodes. Next April will bring Game of Thrones fans the remainder of book three, and if the first three seasons are any indication, season four will be just as talked about as the ones that came before.

Image Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO