*Warning: contains spoilers ahead*

‘At Last’ we get answers! Appropriately titled, episode four of True Blood’s sixth season finally answered burning questions, presented more danger, and allowed for new dilemmas and storylines to arise. Here are some big shockers/reveals/developments we saw in this episode:

-Ben is Warlow. Surprise! (Or maybe not.) The nice, handsome guy that was supposed to be the opposite of Sookie’s former complicated lovers is in fact the most complicated of lovers – seeing as though he’s the vampire who killed her parents and is sworn to her. When Jason is near dead, a devious grin spreads across Ben’s face and when Sookie isn’t looking, feeds Jason his blood, which heals him instantly. But you would think the powerful vamp/fairy would check to make sure he didn’t leave residue… Sookie suspiciously discovers a drop of his blood on the floor and connects the dots. She plays her cards right by inviting him over to dinner – sprinkling his food with silver – and when that does not affect him, she instead seduces him and when in the moment, hovers her light to kill him. She looks into Ben’s eyes and sassily says, “Get the f*** off me or die, Warlow.” And this is where the action-packed episode ends.

-Bye Bye Fairy King
When Jason starts having sexy dreams about Ben, he naturally tells his fairy grandfather. In a hilarious yet uncomfortable talk about Jason’s fascination with Ben, Naill is just a few steps ahead and puts the pieces together. The two of them sneak up on Ben in the shower, and attempt to kill him except. But seeing as though it’s Warlow, he of course defeats them. He glamours Jason and lets him go free, while he drains Naill of his blood. He brings his corpse out to eerily the same bridge where he killed Sookie and Jason’s parents, yet spares the fairy king’s life by banishing him into another dimension.

-Andy is a father no longer
Poor Andy was just getting to enjoy being a daddy. Preteens at the beginning of the episode, the girls grow into twenty-somethings in a matter of minutes. They of course decide to take their dad’s car and buy some beers where they conveniently run into Jessica who befriends them and invites them back with her and Billith. Bill of course is scheming to use their fairy blood to benefit the vampire race. But when the girls try to escape, Jess gets a whiff of their blood and can’t resist the urge. We later hear her crying hysterically around the dead fairy girls… and Bill is not happy! Our guess is neither is Andy…

-Eric has a new progeny
In an almost reminiscent moment of the earlier seasons when Eric is drawn to the naivety of Sookie, Eric makes a life-changing decision to turn the governor’s daughter Willa into a vampire. The two exchange a heart-warming moment together where he tells her she deserves to be one of them. When Willa wakes up newly transformed, he commands her to go home and face her father. She is let down by Eric and feels used, but he persuades her to think otherwise. However, daddy’s not too happy to see his precious daughter in the form of what he and Sarah call “the devil.” When she can’t resist the urge of blood and attempts to drink her father, Sarah shoots Willa and sentences her to camp.

-Pam and Nora are captured
Looks like Willa will have some company in camp. After a fight with Tara, Pam turns around and is quickly shot down. Earlier in the episode, after Niall uses his electricity on Nora she is shot down and taken as well.

-Sam moves on quickly
After rescuing Emma, Sam, Nicole, and Emma hideout from the werewolves whose goal is to take back Emma and bring her back to the pack. After the emotional strain of Nicole’s friends being murdered by the pack and after Sam losing Luna, the two comfort each other by making out on the hotel bed.


1. Will Pam be jealous of Willa?
We all know Pam’s deep love for Eric, and even though he released her, she still cares immensely for him. Once she finds out he has a new progeny and replaced her, how will she react?

2. Can we get more Jason/Ben/Warlow scenes?
Yes, we’re not supposed to like Warlow. But did anyone else rewind and replay the sexy shaving scene between the two?

3. Where did Niall go?
His life was spared a second time by Warlow, and he was seen being banished into a black light. Will we see our favorite fairy grandfather again?

4. Will Bill be after Sookie now that his precious fairies are no longer?
The only other choice for fairy blood is Sookie’s. Though he told her in the last episode that she was dead to him, we don’t think the Lillith part of Bill will stop until she get what she wants. But remember! As Nora said, Warlow is the only one that can kill Lillith… Is Bill in danger too?

So many questions, and we can’t wait for next week to get more answers! What were your thoughts on the episodes and questions above? Post your thoughts below and be sure to tune in next Sunday at 9pm EST on HBO.

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