Activists are asking Capital One to drop Alec Baldwin after he used a homophobic slur in his Twitter rant against a Daily Mail writer.

Last month, Baldwin went on a Twitter rampage, directed at a Daily Mail writer who criticized his wife Hilaria for allegedly tweeting during James Gandolfini’s funeral. While others had agreed that the Daily Mail’s reporting was incorrect, Baldwin launched an aggressive attack, referring to the writer as a “queen” at one point. That particular slur brought criticism and Baldwin later apologized to GLAAD.

“My ill-advised attack on George Stark of the Daily Mail had absolutely nothing to do with issues of anyone's sexual orientation,” Baldwin said in a statement to GLAAD. “My anger was directed at Mr. Stark for blatantly lying and disseminating libelous information about my wife and her conduct at our friend's funeral service. As someone who fights against homophobia, I apologize.” He added that he supports the LGBT community.

But that’s not enough for some activists, who think that Capital One should drop him as a spokesman.

“It’s still a free country and Alec Baldwin can do as much gay bashing as he likes on Twitter, but it’s hard to understand why Capital One would choose to publicly condone his homophobia by keeping Baldwin on as its spokesman,”’s John Hawkins told, notes The New York Daily News. “If Capital One is not going to do the right thing, then Capital One doesn’t deserve our business.”

“We urge all Americans to ask themselves, ‘What’s in your wallet?’ We hope they will reject Alec Baldwin’s homophobia by cutting up those Capital One cards in their wallets,” gay conservative strategist Jimmy LaSalvia added.

Fox News reports that some have asked why Baldwin isn’t getting the same treatment Paula Deen has received for using the n-word 30 years ago. “Companies know the media won't beat them up for keeping Baldwin on board, despite his violent threat and homophobic comments. Why? Because he's liberal and the same rules don't apply,” Dan Gainor of the Media Research Center told Fox.

Capital One has yet to comment.

image: NBC